What is the difference between perianal fistula and perianal abscess


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I'm looking for help understanding the difference between perianal fistula and perianal abscess. I've been researching them and I'm still a bit confused. Is there anyone here who can help explain the difference between the two? What are the symptoms and treatments for each? Any information would be much appreciated.


Staff member
Perianal fistula and perianal abscess are two conditions that involve the area around the anus, but they are not the same. A perianal fistula is an abnormal connection between the surface of the skin near the anus and another structure, such as the rectum or bladder. A perianal abscess is a localized infection in the area around the anus that typically causes an area of redness, swelling, and pain.


Perianal fistula symptoms usually include pain, discharge, itching, and bleeding. The discharge may be pus, mucus, or blood. In some cases, the fistula may cause a flow of fecal matter from the anus.

Perianal abscess symptoms include redness and swelling around the anus, as well as pain. The pain may be worse when sitting or when having a bowel movement.


Perianal fistulas are usually caused by an infection of the anal glands. The infection can spread to the surrounding tissues, forming an abnormal connection between two structures.

Perianal abscesses are usually caused by a bacterial infection in the anal glands. The infection can spread to the surrounding tissues, causing an abscess to form.


Perianal fistula treatment is typically surgical. The goal is to remove the fistula and repair any damage to the surrounding tissues.

Perianal abscess treatment typically involves draining the abscess and possibly prescribing antibiotics. Surgery may be required to remove the abscess if it does not respond to other treatments.


Active member
A perianal fistula is an abnormal connection between the inside of the anus and the skin outside of it. It is often caused by Crohn's Disease or another inflammatory bowel disease. A perianal abscess is an inflamed and tender area around the anus that can be caused by an infection or other issues. It is usually filled with pus and can cause pain and discomfort. Treatment for a perianal abscess often involves draining it, while treatment for a perianal fistula involves surgery to remove the abnormal connection.


Active member
Perianal fistula is an infection in the anus or rectum that results in an abnormal tunnel or cavity between the skin around the anus and the rectum. On the other hand, perianal abscess is a localized infection that is usually caused by bacteria. It is characterized by a swollen, tender area around the anus that contains pus. Both conditions are painful and may require medical intervention, but perianal abscesses are generally treated with antibiotics, while perianal fistulas are typically treated with surgery.


Active member
A perianal fistula is an abnormal tunnel-like passage between the anus and the skin, containing pus and other secretions. It is caused by an infection, usually bacterial, that has spread from the anus to the skin. A perianal abscess, on the other hand, is a collection of pus that forms near the anus. This can be caused by a bacterial infection, but it can also be caused by trauma or irritation to the area. Perianal fistulas are more serious than perianal abscesses, as they can cause chronic inflammation and pain. They can also cause fecal incontinence and other complications if left untreated. Treatment usually involves draining the abscess or fistula and then taking antibiotics to clear up the infection. Surgery may also be required in some cases.