What is the difference between hanging and strangulation death


Active member
I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I'm trying to understand the difference between hanging and strangulation death and I'm not sure where to begin. Does anyone have experience with this topic or any information to help me better understand the difference between the two? Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Hanging and strangulation death are two distinct methods of causing death and involve different mechanisms. Hanging involves suspending a person by a rope or other similar device, cutting off the oxygen supply to the brain and causing death by asphyxiation. Strangulation death is caused by external compression of the neck, which can result in a lack of oxygen to the brain and death.

Hanging Death

Hanging is a form of capital punishment in which a person is suspended from a rope or other similar device until death. The rope is usually tied around the neck, and death is caused by asphyxiation. Death by hanging typically takes several minutes, but can take up to an hour.

Asphyxiation is a condition in which a person is deprived of oxygen, resulting in unconsciousness and eventual death.

Strangulation Death

Strangulation death is caused by external compression of the neck, which can result in a lack of oxygen to the brain and death. Strangulation death can occur in a variety of ways, including manual strangulation, ligature strangulation, and choking.

Manual strangulation is when a person applies pressure to the neck with their hands.

Ligature strangulation is when a person uses a rope, wire, or other device to compress the neck.

Choking is when a person is unable to breathe due to an object blocking the airway.

The main difference between hanging and strangulation death is the mechanism by which death is caused. Hanging is caused by asphyxiation, while strangulation death is caused by external compression of the neck.


Active member
Hanging and strangulation are two different methods of causing death. Hanging is when a person is suspended from a rope or other support, and death is caused by asphyxiation due to a broken neck or restricted breathing. Strangulation, on the other hand, is when the air supply to the lungs is obstructed, either by the application of pressure to the neck or by the blocking of the airway. Death can occur due to a lack of oxygen to the brain, or due to compression of the carotid artery, which restricts blood flow to the brain.


Active member
Strangulation death occurs when pressure is applied to the neck, cutting off the air passage and preventing oxygen from entering the lungs. This can be caused by hanging, but strangulation can also be caused by choking, suffocation, and manual strangulation. Hanging, on the other hand, typically involves suspending a person from an elevated position with a rope or ligature around the neck, causing pressure on the air passage. Whereas strangulation can occur in a variety of ways, hanging is the only way to cause death via suspension.


Active member
Strangulation and hanging are both forms of asphyxiation, which is the deprivation of oxygen to the brain. Strangulation typically involves the use of an object such as a cord or rope to obstruct the flow of air to the lungs, while hanging is the suspension of a person by the neck with a rope or other ligature. Strangulation is often considered more violent and may happen quickly, while hanging is typically slower and may result in broken neck bones. Both forms of death can be intentional or accidental. Additionally, strangulation may be accompanied by other forms of physical trauma, whereas hanging typically does not.


Active member
Strangulation death is caused by compression of the neck, which stops the blood supply to the brain and can cause unconsciousness in seconds. Hanging, on the other hand, is caused by suspension of the body from the neck, which can cause death either by oxygen deprivation to the brain or by breaking the neck.