What is the body language of a narcissist


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"Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and wanted to ask for some help. I'm interested in learning more about the body language of a narcissist and was wondering if anyone has any insight or experience with this topic.


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Body Language of a Narcissist

Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, grandiosity, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. People with narcissism may display a range of behaviors that indicate a lack of concern for the feelings of others. This can include boasting, showing off, and an overall sense of entitlement. Narcissists often use body language to demonstrate their superiority and manipulate those around them.

Posturing is a common body language display among narcissists. They may stand in a way that emphasizes their height and stature, often pushing their chest out and thrusting their chin up in the air. This kind of behavior is an attempt to appear more powerful and important than those around them.

Eye Contact is another way narcissists use body language to manipulate. They may make intense eye contact with those around them, as if to make them feel intimidated or uncomfortable. They may also avoid eye contact altogether, as if to demonstrate their superiority and lack of concern for others.

Mirroring is a behavior in which a person copies the body language of another person. Narcissists may use this tactic to make the person they are talking to feel comfortable. They may also use it to make the person feel as if they have a connection or bond with the narcissist.

Dominant Gestures are another way narcissists use body language to manipulate. They may use intimidating hand gestures, such as pointing or jabbing their finger. They may also stand in a way that takes up a lot of space, as if trying to dominate the conversation or situation.

Narcissists often use body language to create an image of superiority and control. Understanding the body language of a narcissist can help people recognize when they are being manipulated or when they are in the presence of someone with narcissistic traits.