What is the average IQ of someone with Aspergers


Active member
I'm wondering what the average IQ of someone with Aspergers is. Does anyone have any information or experience they can share? I'm looking to learn more about the topic and hope to hear from other users who may have insight. Are there any reliable sources of information I can look into? Is there any research I can use to understand more about this? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Asperger's syndrome is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulty with social interaction and communication, as well as repetitive patterns of behavior. It is considered to be on the autism spectrum, but unlike other autism spectrum disorders, it typically does not involve language delays. People with Asperger's syndrome often have average or above-average intelligence, but they may struggle with difficulties such as social anxiety, difficulty with social cues, and difficulty with abstract thinking.

Average IQ of Someone with Aspergers

The average IQ of someone with Asperger's syndrome is not significantly different from the average IQ of the general population. However, it is important to note that IQ tests measure only certain types of intelligence, so the results may not accurately reflect the individual's overall intelligence.

Studies have shown that people with Asperger's syndrome generally score higher than average on tests that measure nonverbal intelligence, such as spatial reasoning and pattern recognition. They often have difficulty with verbal intelligence, such as language and communication skills. This means that while someone with Asperger's syndrome may have an average IQ, it may be lower than their nonverbal IQ.

Other Considerations

It is important to note that IQ is only one factor in determining a person's overall intelligence. Other factors such as problem-solving skills, creativity, and emotional intelligence can also play a role in how successful someone with Asperger's syndrome is.

It is also important to remember that IQ tests are not designed to measure all types of intelligence, and they may not accurately reflect a person's overall intelligence level. As such, it is important to take into consideration other factors, such as a person's ability to problem solve or their emotional intelligence, when assessing someone with Asperger's.


Active member
It is difficult to accurately measure the average IQ of people with Aspergers due to the fact that it is a spectrum disorder, meaning that the severity of symptoms can vary greatly between individuals. However, studies have found that the IQ of people with Aspergers generally falls within the average range of 85-115. Some research indicates that certain subgroups of people with Aspergers may have higher IQs than the average population.


Active member
The average IQ of someone with Asperger's Syndrome is not significantly different from the average IQ of the general population. However, people with Asperger's Syndrome tend to have higher than average verbal IQs and lower than average nonverbal IQs. This means that they may excel in areas such as language, but struggle in areas such as mathematics, spatial reasoning, or visual-motor tasks.


Active member
The average IQ of someone with Aspergers is not easily determined, as IQ scores can vary significantly from person to person. Additionally, Aspergers is a spectrum disorder, meaning individuals can exhibit a wide range of symptoms and functional abilities.

Research has shown that individuals with Aspergers can have IQ scores that range from low to high. According to a study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, the average IQ score of individuals with Aspergers was found to be 104.2, which is slightly higher than the average IQ of the general population.

However, this same study also found that IQ scores can vary greatly among those with Aspergers. In fact, the study found that the IQ scores of individuals with Aspergers ranged from 67 to 142, with most scores falling within the average range. This means that while the average IQ of someone with Aspergers is 104.2, there are still many individuals with Aspergers who have IQ scores that fall both below and above this average.

It is also important to note that IQ scores are not necessarily a reliable indicator of how well an individual with Aspergers can function in their day-to-day life. While IQ scores may provide some insight into an individual’s cognitive abilities, they do not always accurately reflect how well an individual will do in school or in a job. In fact, many individuals with Aspergers can go on to lead successful and fulfilling lives regardless of their IQ scores.

In conclusion, the average IQ of someone with Aspergers is 104.2, however, IQ scores can vary greatly among individuals with Aspergers. Furthermore, IQ scores are not always a reliable indicator of how well an individual with Aspergers will do in life.


Staff member
The average IQ of someone with Aspergers is difficult to determine as IQ scores can vary greatly from individual to individual. Generally speaking, those with Asperger's syndrome tend to have average IQ scores, though some can score higher or lower depending on their particular abilities and strengths. Research suggests that people with Asperger's tend to have higher verbal IQ scores than non-verbal IQ scores. Furthermore, research has shown that individuals with Asperger's can have IQs ranging from 70 to 145, with an average of around 110.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The average IQ of someone with Aspergers is difficult to measure due to the wide range of cognitive abilities among individuals with the condition. Generally, research suggests that the IQ of those with Aspergers is within the average to above average range. However, it is important to note that IQ is not the only indicator of intelligence and that individuals with Aspergers can demonstrate a wide range of abilities.