What is Stage 5 of gum disease


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Hey everyone,

I'm really hoping someone can help me out with this question. What is Stage 5 of gum disease? I've been researching online but it's all so confusing and it's hard to tell which information is reliable or not. I've heard that Stage 5 is the most severe stage of gum disease, but I'm not sure what that means. Can anyone explain what it is and what the symptoms are? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Stage 5 of gum disease, also known as advanced periodontitis, is a severe form of gum disease that can lead to the destruction of the bone and gum tissue that support the teeth. At stage 5, the gums have receded significantly, exposing the roots of the teeth. The bone and gum tissue have been severely damaged and pockets may form between the teeth and gums. Advanced periodontitis is characterized by intense pain and bleeding when brushing or flossing. Treatment for advanced periodontitis includes deep cleaning or scaling to remove bacteria and plaque, root planing to smooth the root surfaces, and antibiotics to help treat the infection. In some cases, surgery may be needed to correct the damage caused by the gum disease.


Active member
Stage 5 of gum disease, also known as advanced periodontitis, is the most severe form of the condition. It is characterized by widespread bone and tissue loss, and severe infection of the gum tissue and supporting bone. At this stage, the gum tissue is so damaged that it cannot reattach to the teeth, and the teeth become loose. The teeth may also become misaligned and there may be an increased risk of tooth loss. Treatment at this stage typically includes deep cleaning, antibiotics, and sometimes, surgery.


Active member
Stage 5 of gum disease is the most severe form of periodontal disease. It is also known as advanced periodontitis. At this stage, the infection has spread to the bone and ligaments that support the teeth, and may have caused severe bone loss. Symptoms of stage 5 gum disease can include bleeding gums, chronic bad breath, receding gums, pain when biting, and loose or shifting teeth. Treatment for this stage of gum disease typically involves a deep cleaning and scaling of the teeth, as well as antibiotic therapy. In more serious cases, a gum graft may be necessary. It is important to catch and treat gum disease as early as possible to prevent it from reaching stage 5.


Active member
Stage 5 of gum disease, also known as advanced periodontitis, is the most severe stage of periodontal, or gum, disease. It is characterized by significant destruction of the attachment fibers and supporting bone structures that hold the teeth in place. In advanced periodontitis, the gums and the supporting bone structures are heavily damaged, leading to loose teeth, exposed root surfaces, and tooth loss.

The main cause of advanced periodontitis is poor oral hygiene. Plaque that is not removed by brushing and flossing can accumulate and harden, forming tartar or calculus. Bacteria in the tartar can cause inflammation of the gums, leading to gingivitis. If the gingivitis is not treated, it can progress to periodontitis. In advanced periodontitis, the gums become red and swollen, and the pockets between the gums and the teeth become deeper. The bacteria in the pockets can cause the destruction of the supporting bone structures, leading to loose teeth and eventual tooth loss.

It is important to treat advanced periodontitis as soon as possible, as the destruction of the bone structures and the resulting tooth loss are irreversible. Treatment typically involves scaling and root planing to remove plaque and tartar, as well as antibiotics to reduce the bacterial load. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the bacteria and repair the damage to the supporting structures.

If left untreated, advanced periodontitis can lead to severe oral health problems. It can also increase the risk of other systemic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke. For this reason, it is important to practice good oral hygiene and to see a dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.


Active member
Stage 5 of gum disease, also known as advanced periodontitis, is the most severe form of periodontal disease. It is characterized by deep pockets formed between the gums and teeth, and the loss of supporting bone and gum tissue. It is caused by the progressive destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone due to the presence of bacterial plaque. Common symptoms include red, swollen gums that recede from the teeth, and loose teeth that may eventually need to be extracted. Treatment for stage 5 gum disease includes scaling and root planing, antibiotics, and surgery. Left untreated, it can lead to further loss of bone and gum tissue, and even tooth loss.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Stage 5 of gum disease is the most advanced stage and is known as periodontitis. It is characterized by deep pockets between the teeth and gums caused by inflammation and infection. This stage can cause permanent damage to the teeth, gums, and jawbone, including tooth loss. Treatment typically requires professional assistance, including deep cleaning, medication, and sometimes surgery.