What is sleep asphyxiation


Active member
Does anyone have any experience with sleep asphyxiation? I'm concerned because I think I might be suffering from it. I've been having trouble breathing at night and waking up feeling exhausted and out of breath. I've read online that sleep asphyxiation can cause these symptoms, but I'm not sure. Can anyone provide more information about what sleep asphyxiation is and how it can be treated? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Sleep asphyxiation, also known as ‘suffocation’, is a condition in which a person cannot get enough oxygen during sleep. It is caused by a blockage of the airways, which can be due to an obstruction of the throat, nose, or even the chest. This can cause a lack of oxygen in the body and can lead to serious medical conditions, such as brain damage and death.

Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Asphyxiation

Sleep asphyxiation is often not immediately evident, but there are some common signs and symptoms that can indicate that a person may be suffering from it. These include:

• Difficulty breathing while sleeping

• Waking up repeatedly during the night

• Snoring loudly or having a ‘gasping’ sound while sleeping

• Gasping for breath after waking up

• Feeling of choking or being unable to breathe while sleeping

• Feeling of panic or fear when trying to sleep

Causes of Sleep Asphyxiation

Sleep asphyxiation can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

• Obstruction of the airway due to an enlarged tonsil or adenoid

• Obstruction due to a narrowing of the airway due to obesity

• Obstruction due to a foreign object, such as a piece of food

• Obstruction due to a tumor or cyst in the throat or nose

• Obstruction due to an asthma attack

• Obstruction due to a condition known as ‘sleep apnea’

Treatment of Sleep Asphyxiation

The treatment for sleep asphyxiation will depend on the underlying cause. If the obstruction is due to an enlarged tonsil or adenoid, then surgery may be recommended. If the obstruction is due to a narrowing of the airway, then weight loss can be helpful. If the obstruction is due to a foreign object, then this can be removed. If the obstruction is due to a tumor or cyst, then this can be treated with medication or surgery. If the obstruction is due to an asthma attack, then treatment with medication can be helpful. Finally, if the obstruction is due to sleep apnea, then a CPAP machine may be recommended.