What is Sherlock's IQ


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I'm wondering if anyone knows what Sherlock's IQ is? I recently watched a show about him and I was intrigued by his impressive deductive skills and wanted to know more.


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Global Mod
Sherlock Holmes is known for his exceptional intellect and deductive reasoning skills. But, what is his exact IQ?

Estimated IQ of Sherlock Holmes

The exact IQ of Sherlock Holmes is unknown, as it was never stated in the books or stories. However, Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, gave us some clues as to how intelligent his famous creation really was. According to Doyle, Sherlock Holmes had an “astounding” intellect and was “the best and wisest man whom I have ever known.”

Based on these clues, many scholars and fans have speculated that Sherlock Holmes had an IQ of 190. This would put him in the “genius” category, as the average IQ is around 100.

Sherlock Holmes' Deductive Reasoning Skills

Though Sherlock Holmes' IQ is unknown, what is clear is that he had an amazing ability to solve complex problems. His deductive reasoning skills were unmatched and enabled him to see connections between seemingly unrelated facts.

Sherlock Holmes used a variety of techniques to solve cases, including gathering evidence, analyzing data, and formulating hypotheses. He was also skilled at observing people and noticing details that others would miss.


Though the exact IQ of Sherlock Holmes is unknown, it is clear that he was an extraordinary genius. His deductive reasoning skills enabled him to solve cases that baffled everyone else, and he remains an iconic character to this day.