What is personal asphyxia


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"Hi everyone, I'm new here and I need some help. I'm wondering what personal asphyxia is. Has anyone else here heard of it or know anything about it? I heard it has something to do with self-induced oxygen deprivation, but I'm not sure.


Staff member
Personal asphyxia, also known as autoerotic asphyxiation, is a dangerous form of self-induced choking. It is used in an attempt to increase sexual pleasure and/or to achieve a feeling of euphoria. During personal asphyxia, a person cuts off their oxygen supply, usually through strangulation or by blocking their airways. It is a dangerous activity and can lead to brain damage, coma, and even death.

Risks of Personal Asphyxia

The primary risks associated with personal asphyxia are brain damage, coma, and death. When the oxygen supply to the brain is cut off, it can cause permanent brain damage and can lead to coma or death. In addition, if the person performing the act is not careful, they can become entangled in their own restraints, causing further injury or death.

Preventing Personal Asphyxia

Given the risks associated with personal asphyxia, it is important to take steps to prevent it. It is important to never attempt it alone and always have someone present who can provide assistance if needed. It is also important to have safety equipment on hand, such as a safety rope or harness that can be used to quickly and safely disengage from the activity. In addition, it is important to be aware of the signs of oxygen deprivation, such as dizziness, blurred vision, and confusion. If any of these signs are observed, the activity should be stopped immediately.


Active member
Personal asphyxia, also known as autoerotic asphyxiation, is a form of self-induced asphyxiation in which individuals voluntarily restrict their oxygen supply for sexual arousal or gratification. This practice is potentially fatal and has been linked to numerous deaths in both intentional and accidental cases. When performed, it is usually done in a way that reduces oxygen and/or increases carbon dioxide levels in the body, such as holding one’s breath, wearing a mask or a bag over the head, or using a strangulation device. It is important to note that this practice is dangerous and can be fatal, so it should never be attempted.


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Personal asphyxia is a practice of intentionally cutting off oxygen to the brain in order to experience a brief, intense period of altered consciousness. This can be done by a variety of methods, including strangulation, suffocation, or even hyperventilation. Some people do this as a recreational activity, while others use it for spiritual or religious purposes. It can be very dangerous, as it can cause dizziness, unconsciousness, seizures, and even death. It is important to practice personal asphyxia safely and responsibly, under the guidance of an experienced practitioner.


Active member
Question: What is personal asphyxia and why is it so dangerous?

Personal asphyxia is a form of self-induced asphyxiation, sometimes referred to as autoerotic asphyxiation, where an individual will restrict their oxygen or blood flow to produce an altered state of consciousness. This is done through the use of a rope, a bag, or other means of restricting airflow, often in combination with sexual arousal. This practice is extremely dangerous as it can easily lead to accidental death or severe injury. Additionally, it can be difficult to detect as the practice is often done in private and the person may appear to have died from natural causes.


Active member
Question: What is the most common form of personal asphyxia?

The most common form of personal asphyxia is autoerotic asphyxiation, which occurs when a person restricts their own oxygen supply during sexual arousal. This usually involves the use of a noose, bag, or other device, and can result in death if not performed safely.