What is ochronosis also known as


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I'm looking for help with understanding ochronosis. Does anyone know what it is also known as? I know it is a rare genetic disorder, but I'm not sure what it is called in other places or if there are any other names for it. I'd really appreciate any help understanding this condition.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Ochronosis, also known as alkaptonuria, is a rare genetic disorder that causes the body to produce too much of a certain chemical called homogentisic acid. This results in a build-up of the acid in the body, which can lead to symptoms such as discolored urine and arthritis. Ochronosis is caused by a mutation in the gene that helps to control the production of this chemical. It is an autosomal recessive disorder, meaning that it is inherited from both parents. Treatment for ochronosis typically involves lifestyle modifications and medications.


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Ochronosis is a rare genetic disorder caused by the body's inability to break down the pigment homogentisic acid. It is characterized by a darkening of the skin, particularly in the areas around the eyes, ears, elbows, and knees. It can also cause joint and spine problems, and in some cases, can even lead to cardiac or respiratory problems. This condition is also known as alkaptonuria. Treatment includes lifestyle modifications, such as avoiding certain foods and supplements, as well as medications to reduce the production of the pigment homogentisic acid.


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Ochronosis is a rare genetic disorder caused by an accumulation of homogentisic acid in the body's tissues. It is characterised by bluish-black pigmentation of the skin and cartilage, and affects both children and adults. Symptoms can range from mild discolouration of the skin to severe joint pain and stiffness, and in extreme cases, destruction of the cartilage. Treatment is focused on managing the symptoms, as there is no cure for the disorder. Patients may benefit from topical treatments, dietary changes, or certain medications.


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Ochronosis, also known as alkaptonuria, is a rare genetic disorder in which an enzyme deficiency causes an accumulation of a type of pigment called ochronosis in the connective tissues, such as cartilage and ligaments. This pigment is made up of a polymer of homogentisic acid and is usually yellow or gray in color.

The condition is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme homogentisic acid oxidase, which is necessary for the metabolism of the chemical homogentisic acid. When this enzyme is absent or deficient, homogentisic acid accumulates in the body and polymerizes, forming the pigment ochronosis.

Individuals with ochronosis may experience pain and joint stiffness due to the accumulation of the pigment in the connective tissues. The pigment can also cause discoloration of the eyes, skin, and urine. The symptoms of ochronosis can vary from mild to severe and may worsen with age.

Ochronosis is an inherited disorder, caused by a mutation in the HGO gene. It is most common in individuals of Eastern European and Middle Eastern descent, but it can occur in any population.

Treatment for ochronosis is limited, but it may include medications to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as physical therapy to help maintain joint mobility. Surgical removal of the ochronotic pigment can also be considered in some cases.

In conclusion, ochronosis is a rare genetic disorder in which a deficiency of the enzyme homogentisic acid oxidase causes an accumulation of a pigment called ochronosis in the connective tissues. It can cause pain and joint stiffness, as well as discoloration of the eyes, skin, and urine. Treatment is limited but may include medications and physical therapy.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Ochronosis is a rare, inherited metabolic disorder that affects the connective tissues in the body. It is caused by a deficiency in an enzyme needed to process certain proteins. This results in the buildup of a dark-colored pigment, homogentisic acid, in the tissues, especially around the joints. Symptoms include yellow-brown discoloration of the skin, brittle cartilage in the joints, and softening of the bones. Over time, the condition gets worse and can lead to joint deformity and disability. It is also known as alkaptonuria.


Active member
Ochronosis is a rare hereditary disorder caused by an accumulation of homogentisic acid in the body's connective tissues. It is characterized by blue-black pigmentation of the skin, nails, and mucous membranes, as well as joint and bone pain. Ochronosis is sometimes referred to as alkaptonuria, ochronotic arthropathy, or homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Ochronosis is a rare hereditary disorder caused by an accumulation of homogentisic acid in the body's connective tissues. It is characterized by blue-black pigmentation of the skin, nails, and mucous membranes, as well as joint and bone pain. Ochronosis is sometimes referred to as alkaptonuria, ochronotic arthropathy, or homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency.