What is number 4 personality type


Active member
Hello everyone! I am very curious about the Number 4 personality type and would love some help understanding it. Does anyone have any experience with this type of personality? Could someone please explain what it is and how it affects a person? I am particularly interested in how the different traits of this type of personality might affect someone’s behavior in different situations. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Number 4 personality type is part of the Enneagram system, which is a system of nine distinct personality types. The number 4 personality type is known as the Individualist. This type is sensitive, creative, and introspective, and they often have a strong sense of personal identity. They are also independent, self-aware, and emotionally intense. They tend to be introspective and reflective, and they can be quite vulnerable. They are highly sensitive to their environment and the feelings of others. They are often drawn to the arts and enjoy creating beauty in their lives. They are generally good problem solvers and are often very loyal to their friends and family.