What is normal antisocial behavior


Active member
"Hi everyone, I'm looking for some help understanding normal antisocial behavior. I'm not sure what the difference is between normal antisocial behavior and abnormal antisocial behavior. Can anyone provide me with some insight? Has anyone had any experience with this topic? I would really appreciate any help or advice that anyone can offer.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Normal antisocial behavior is a type of behavior that is not in line with accepted social norms. This type of behavior can include anything from ignoring social cues to engaging in criminal activities. Some types of antisocial behavior are more common in certain age groups or genders. For example, teenage boys may be more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior than teenage girls.

Types of Antisocial Behaviour

Antisocial behavior can range from mild to severe. Some examples of mild antisocial behavior include aggression, teasing, and making rude comments. More severe forms of antisocial behavior can include physical violence, vandalism, and theft.

Risk Factors for Antisocial Behavior

There are several risk factors for antisocial behavior, including genetics, family environment, and social pressure. Genetic factors can include a family history of mental illness or substance abuse. Family environment can include a lack of parental supervision, poor discipline, or a lack of social support. Social pressure can include peer pressure, gang membership, and involvement in a negative social group.

Treatment for Antisocial Behavior

Treatment for antisocial behavior typically involves therapy or medication. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help individuals identify the root causes of their behavior and find healthier ways to cope. Medication can help treat underlying mental health conditions that may be contributing to the behavior. In addition, family therapy can help improve family dynamics and provide support for the individual.