What is intrusion in Orthodontics


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"Hello everyone! I'm new to the orthodontic community and I was wondering if anyone could help me understand what intrusion is in orthodontics? I've heard the term but I'm not sure what it means or how it is used in orthodontic treatment.


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Intrusion is a type of orthodontic movement in which a tooth is moved in a superior direction in order to reduce its vertical dimension. It is commonly used to correct a deep bite or a protruding incisor. Intrusion is achieved by using an archwire to apply force directly to the tooth or by using a power arm or a band with a wire to transfer force from the archwire to the tooth. The force is usually applied on the labial or buccal side of the tooth.

Types of Intrusion

There are two main types of intrusion: direct and indirect.

Direct intrusion is done by placing the archwire directly on the tooth and applying a force to the tooth. This is the most commonly used method of intrusion.

Indirect intrusion is done by attaching a power arm, band, or wire to the archwire and then applying force to the tooth. This method is less commonly used because it often requires more time and effort to achieve the desired effect.

Benefits of Intrusion

Intrusion can be used to correct a deep bite or a protruding incisor. It can also be used to reduce the vertical dimension of the teeth, which can improve the aesthetic appearance of the smile. Intrusion can also help reduce the risk of periodontal disease, since it creates a more even bite.

Risks of Intrusion

The main risk associated with intrusion is that it can cause damage to the teeth and the surrounding gums. It can also cause the teeth to become more sensitive and can lead to root resorption. Additionally, it can cause the teeth to shift out of alignment and can interfere with the natural eruption of the teeth.


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Intrusion in Orthodontics is the process of moving a tooth or teeth up in the vertical direction. This technique is used to correct malocclusions, such as deep bites, where the lower incisors are too far behind the upper incisors. Intrusion is usually achieved by placing an orthodontic appliance, such as an archwire or a bracket, to apply pressure to the tooth or teeth in the direction of the upper jaw. The tooth or teeth is then gradually moved up until the desired position is achieved.


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Intrusion in orthodontics is the process of moving a tooth into a more upright position in the dental arch. This can be achieved through the use of braces, elastics, or other orthodontic appliances. Intrusion can be used to reduce the amount of overbite, or to move a tooth that is out of alignment with the other teeth in the arch. It is an important part of orthodontic treatment, as it can help create a more aesthetically pleasing smile by offering greater symmetry and balance. Intrusion can also be used to improve the function of the bite, as well as to protect teeth from excessive wear.


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Intrusion is a type of orthodontic movement in which the crown of a tooth is moved up vertically in the dental arch. It is most commonly used for correcting deep bites or to create more space in the arch. Intrusion of a tooth can be done with the help of braces, elastics, or by using a special orthodontic instrument called an intrusion arch. The process takes place over a period of time, and the results are usually cosmetic in nature. Intrusion can help improve the look of a person's smile by making the front teeth appear more even and aligned. It can also help to reduce the amount of pressure and strain on the jaw joints, leading to improved comfort and functionality.