What is INTJ's Big Five


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Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for help understanding INTJ's Big Five. Can anyone explain what it is and how it works? I'm really interested in learning more about this and any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.


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INTJ is an acronym for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging. It is one of the 16 personality types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The Big Five Personality Test is a test used to measure the five major dimensions of personality. They are Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

Openness to Experience

Individuals who score high in Openness to Experience are typically curious, creative, and open-minded. They enjoy new experiences and are often eager to explore the world around them. INTJ's are known for their analytical and objective thinking, and often score high in Openness to Experience as they are always seeking to learn and understand new concepts.


Individuals who score high in Conscientiousness are typically organized, responsible, and reliable. They follow through on their commitments and strive to do their best in all aspects of their lives. INTJ's are known for their focus and determination, and often score high in Conscientiousness as they are highly driven to succeed.


Individuals who score high in Extraversion are typically outgoing, sociable, and energetic. They enjoy being around other people and often thrive in social situations. INTJ's are known for their reserved and independent nature, and often score low in Extraversion as they prefer to work alone and do not seek out social interaction.


Individuals who score high in Agreeableness are typically friendly, compassionate, and cooperative. They enjoy helping others and often strive to maintain harmonious relationships. INTJ's are known for their independent and critical nature, and often score low in Agreeableness as they are more comfortable working alone and can be unyielding in their opinions.


Individuals who score high in Neuroticism are typically anxious, emotional, and sensitive. They often experience strong feelings of worry, fear, and insecurity. INTJ's are known for their self-confidence and rational thinking, and often score low in Neuroticism as they are able to remain calm in difficult situations.