What is Infp in Big 5


Active member
I'm new to this topic and I'm wondering what Infp is in the Big 5 personality type model. Does anyone have any insight or experience with this? I'm interested in understanding it better and would really appreciate any help or advice. I'm also curious to know if anyone has had any personal experience with this type and how it has affected their lives.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The Big 5 Personality Test is a widely used and accepted tool for assessing personality traits. It consists of five broad trait domains which are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

INFP stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Perceiving, and is one of the 16 personality types within the Big 5 Personality Test. People who identify as INFPs are often creative, sensitive, and independent, and tend to be passionate about their causes and values. They are often open to new ideas and are driven to find meaning and purpose in life. INFPs enjoy exploring possibilities, and are often drawn to the arts and literature. They often prefer to work alone and are more likely to follow their own path rather than conform to societal expectations.