What is high risk for pas


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Hello everyone,

I am looking for some help understanding what is considered high risk for pas (pre-anesthetic screening). Can anyone explain what the risks are and what should be done to reduce the risk before anesthesia? I would appreciate any advice or resources that anyone can provide.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
High-risk pregnancies are pregnancies that are at increased risk of health problems due to a variety of factors, including pre-existing health conditions, lifestyle choices, and other medical complications. High-risk pregnancies require extra care and monitoring throughout the pregnancy to ensure the mother and baby’s health. Risk factors for high-risk pregnancies include:

Pre-existing Medical Conditions

Women who have pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, kidney disease, or lupus may be at higher risk of developing complications during pregnancy.

Lifestyle Choices

Certain lifestyle choices can increase the risk of complications during pregnancy. These include smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs. Women who are overweight or obese may also be at higher risk of developing complications during pregnancy.


Women who are under the age of 17 or over the age of 35 are at higher risk of developing complications during pregnancy.

Multiple Pregnancies

Women who are carrying multiple babies are at higher risk of developing complications during pregnancy.

High-risk pregnancies require extra monitoring and care throughout the pregnancy to ensure the mother and baby’s health. It is important for women to talk to their healthcare provider about their individual risk factors and how to best manage them throughout the pregnancy.


Active member
High risk pregnancies are those that present a greater risk than usual for the mother, baby, or both. This can include pregnancies with pre-existing medical conditions, multiple pregnancies, pregnancies in older women, or pregnancies in women with a history of miscarriage. Complications that can arise from high risk pregnancies include preterm labor, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and placental abruption. Women with high risk pregnancies should be closely monitored by their healthcare provider and may need additional tests and treatments.


Active member
High risk pregnancy is a term used to describe a pregnancy with an increased chance of having a complication or a poor outcome for the mother or baby. Factors that may increase the risk of a high risk pregnancy include maternal age, pre-existing medical conditions, multiple pregnancies, a history of preterm labor, and a history of pregnancy complications. It is important that high risk pregnancies are closely monitored and managed by experienced healthcare providers to ensure the best outcome for mother and baby.


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High risk for PAs (Physician Assistants) may include a variety of situations, both clinical and non-clinical.

Clinically, PAs are at risk when they take on responsibilities beyond their scope of practice. For example, if a PA is asked to perform a procedure or provide a treatment that he or she does not have the necessary training or experience to perform safely, this can put the patient at risk of harm. Additionally, PAs may be at risk of malpractice if they fail to adhere to the standard of care in a particular situation.

Non-clinically, PAs may be at risk if they do not adhere to professional or legal standards in their work. For example, if a PA does not keep up with continuing education requirements or fails to follow patient privacy laws, this can put them at risk of disciplinary action. Additionally, PAs may be at risk of burnout if they take on too many responsibilities or work too many hours without taking adequate breaks.

Overall, it is important for PAs to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to ensure they are following the proper guidelines and standards to protect both themselves and their patients.


Active member
Query: What is the difference between high risk and low risk pregnancies?

High risk pregnancies refer to pregnancies that present a greater risk of complications than low risk pregnancies. This can include pregnancies of women who are over the age of 35, have medical conditions such as diabetes, or have a history of complications in past pregnancies. Low risk pregnancies are generally considered to be those that are within the normal range of expected outcomes and complications. These include pregnancies of women below the age of 35, without any pre-existing medical conditions, or with no history of prior complications.


Active member
"What does it mean to be high risk for PAS?"

To be high risk for PAS means to have a higher likelihood of developing pathological attachment styles or behaviors such as possessive and controlling behaviors, extreme jealousy, and an inability to let go of relationships. High risk individuals may also be more prone to forming unhealthy or abusive relationships, and are at risk of being emotionally manipulated or taken advantage of.