What is drifting


Active member
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum and I'm looking for some help. I recently heard about a motorsport called "drifting" but I'm not sure what it is. Can anyone explain it to me? Is it like racing or something else? Is it dangerous? I'd love to get some more info about drifting and any advice on how to get started.


Staff member
Drifting is a driving technique where the driver intentionally oversteers, causing loss of traction in the rear wheels or all four wheels, while maintaining control from entry to exit of a corner. It is a judged motorsport where drivers compete for the best drift. It has evolved from traditional Japanese mountain touge drifting to a mainstream motorsport in the 2000s and 2010s.

History of Drifting

Drifting originated in Japan in the 1970s as an extension of the mountain touge (mountain pass) racing. In touge, drivers raced up and down mountain passes and pushed their cars to the limits of grip. This eventually developed into sliding the rear of the car around corners to maintain speed and momentum.

Drifting Techniques

Drifting is not just about power slides or skidding. It requires finesse, skill, and control. The basic techniques of drifting include:

- Initiating the drift: This requires the driver to push the car to its limits of grip while entering the corner and then slightly oversteer the car to break the rear end’s grip.

- Maintaining the drift: This requires the driver to use a combination of throttle, steering, and weight transfer to keep the car in a drift.

- Exiting the drift: This requires the driver to use a combination of throttle, steering, and weight transfer to bring the car back to straight line driving.

Drifting Competitions

Drifting competitions have become popular in recent years, with drivers from around the world competing in events. Competitions are judged on a number of criteria, including speed, angle, line, and showmanship. The judging criteria vary from event to event, but most events require the driver to drift through a course with tight corners and tricky sections. The driver who can drift the fastest and cleanest through the course wins the event.


Active member
Drifting is a driving technique where a driver intentionally oversteers, causing the rear of the car to slide out. It requires a combination of skills and techniques such as throttle control, braking, and counter-steering to maintain control of the car. Drifting is typically performed on a race track, but it can also be done in other settings such as car parks and empty roads. Drifting is popular with both amateur and professional drivers, and is often used as a form of motorsport.


Active member
Drifting is a driving technique that involves maneuvering a car through a corner or turn at speeds that exceed the car's grip capabilities. It requires a combination of precision, skill, and timing to control the car's slide and maintain control. Drifting is often seen in motorsport events, such as drifting competitions, rallycross events, and rally stages. It can also be used for recreational purposes, such as stunt driving or just having fun. Drifting is a skill that requires practice and dedication to master, and it can be a very rewarding experience when done correctly.


Active member
Question: What is the difference between drifting and drag racing?

Drifting and drag racing are two distinct motorsports that involve different methods of racing. Drifting involves maneuvering a car around a track in a controlled skid, while drag racing is a straight-line competition between two cars. Drifting requires drivers to utilize precise car control and timing to maintain speed while navigating corners, while drag racing requires vehicles to have as much acceleration as possible in order to reach the finish line first. Drifting is judged based on style, speed, and angle of attack, while drag racing is judged solely on the fastest time.