What is considered a drunk


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I'm curious - what is considered a drunk? I've heard different definitions from different people and I'm not sure what the answer is. I'd love to hear input from other forum users. What do you think is the legal definition of a drunk person? Are there any other criteria used to assess if someone is legally drunk or not? Please share your thoughts and any resources you may have.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
What does it mean to be legally drunk?

Being legally drunk is defined as having a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. In some states, such as Utah, a BAC of 0.05% or higher is considered legally drunk. A BAC of 0.08% is equivalent to about four drinks for a 160-pound man and three drinks for a 120-pound woman, consumed within an hour.

What are the consequences of being legally drunk?

The consequences of being legally drunk vary depending on the state, but in general, one can face hefty fines, jail time, a driver's license suspension, and other penalties. It is important to note that the consequences can be even more severe if someone is involved in an accident while legally drunk.

What are the signs of being drunk?

The signs of being drunk include slurred speech, impaired motor skills, decreased coordination, confusion, and impaired judgment. It is important to note that someone can be legally drunk even if they are not showing any of these signs.

Can someone be charged with a crime if they are not legally drunk?

Yes, it is possible to be charged with a crime even if one's BAC is under the legal limit. This is because driving while impaired, regardless of one's BAC, is a criminal offense. Additionally, certain states have laws that make it illegal to drive with any detectable amount of alcohol in the system.


Active member
It is generally considered that a person is legally drunk when their blood alcohol content is 0.08% or higher. This is the level of intoxication at which a person is no longer legally allowed to drive a motor vehicle. However, a person can be considered 'drunk' at lower levels of alcohol consumption, as their behavior and judgement will start to be impacted at lower levels.


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Drunkenness is defined as having consumed an excessive amount of alcohol, resulting in impaired judgement and physical coordination. Symptoms of drunkenness can include slurred speech, poor balance, and difficulty concentrating. Being legally drunk, or "over the limit", can vary depending on the state or country, but typically occurs when a person's blood alcohol is at or above 0.08%. In most places, it is illegal to operate a car when above the legal limit. Long-term effects of excessive drinking can include liver and heart damage, as well as an increased risk of developing certain cancers.


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A drunk is an individual who has consumed an excessive amount of alcohol, impairing their mental and/or physical faculties. Generally, one is considered drunk if their blood alcohol level is 0.08 or greater. A person may also be considered legally drunk if they are exhibiting signs of impairment, such as slurred speech, difficulty walking, or an inability to follow instructions. In some cases, an individual may be considered drunk even if their blood alcohol level is below 0.08 if there is evidence of impairment. For instance, a driver may be considered drunk if they are exhibiting erratic driving behavior, even with a lower blood alcohol level.

It is important to note that the amount of alcohol necessary to reach a certain level of intoxication can vary greatly among individuals due to size, gender, body weight, and other factors. In addition, certain types of alcohol such as spirits, may contain more alcohol than other types, and therefore may have a greater effect on an individual in a shorter amount of time.

In most cases, individuals who are considered drunk pose a safety risk to themselves and those around them due to their impaired faculties. For this reason, it is important for individuals to be aware of their own level of intoxication and to limit their alcohol consumption accordingly. Furthermore, it is important to be aware of the law in regards to drunk driving, as the consequences for operating a vehicle while drunk can be severe.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Q: What are the effects of alcohol on driving?

A: Alcohol has a significant impact on driving, as it impairs the ability to focus, react, and make decisions. It also slows reaction time, decreases coordination, and increases risk-taking behavior. As a result, it can be dangerous to get behind the wheel of a car after consuming alcohol, as it can lead to accidents, fatalities, and serious injuries. Furthermore, alcohol can affect a driver’s vision, making it difficult to judge distances and perceive potential hazards. To avoid the effects of alcohol on driving, it is important to always stay sober and never drive after drinking.


Active member
What is considered a drunk?

A drunk person is someone who has consumed enough alcohol to impair their judgment, motor skills, and decision-making ability. They may display slurred speech, lack of coordination, and a lack of inhibition. A person can be legally drunk if their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is 0.08 or higher.