What is asphyxia due to external compression of neck


Active member
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some help understanding asphyxia due to external compression of the neck. I recently read a medical article about this topic and I'm having trouble comprehending the finer details. Could anyone provide me with a more comprehensive explanation of what asphyxia due to external compression of the neck is and what the possible risks are? I'd really appreciate any advice or information anyone can offer.


Staff member
Asphyxia due to external compression of neck is a form of asphyxia caused by outside pressure on the neck that restricts the flow of air into the body. It can be caused by various methods including strangulation, hanging, and manual neck compression. This type of asphyxia can be fatal if not treated quickly and appropriately.

Symptoms of Asphyxia due to External Compression of Neck

The most common symptom of asphyxia due to external compression of the neck is difficulty breathing. Other signs and symptoms include:

• Bluish skin due to lack of oxygen

• Unconsciousness

• Rapid or irregular heartbeat

• Loss of consciousness

• Seizures

• Muscle spasms

• Dizziness and lightheadedness

Causes of Asphyxia due to External Compression of Neck

Asphyxia due to external compression of neck can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

• Strangulation: Strangulation is a form of asphyxia due to external compression of the neck caused by constriction of the neck with rope, ligature, cloth, or other material.

• Hanging: Hanging is another form of asphyxia due to external compression of the neck caused by suspending a person from a noose or other device that constricts the neck.

• Manual Neck Compression: Manual neck compression is a form of asphyxia due to external compression of the neck caused by compressing the neck with the hands.

Treatment of Asphyxia due to External Compression of Neck

Treatment of asphyxia due to external compression of neck depends on the cause and severity of the condition. Treatment may include oxygen therapy, intubation, and other supportive measures. Treatment may also involve medical or psychological therapy for the person who was strangled or hanged.