What is an active immunization


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Hi everyone! I'm new here and I have a question about active immunization. Can anyone help? I'm curious to know what an active immunization is and how it works. Is it like a vaccine? Are there any risks associated with it? What kind of benefits does it provide? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Active immunization is a type of immunization in which a person is exposed to a microorganism or its products in order to develop an adaptive immune response and provide protection against subsequent infections. The immune system is ‘activated’ to respond to the presence of the foreign agent, and produces antibodies and other immune cells to protect the body against future infections. This type of immunization is usually achieved by administration of a live, weakened form of the pathogen, or by administration of purified products from the pathogen such as its toxins or surface proteins. Examples of active immunization include vaccinations such as measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella.


Active member
Active immunization is a type of immunization that involves introducing a weakened or dead form of a virus or bacteria into the body. This stimulates the body's immune system to create antibodies that can fight off the virus or bacteria in the event of a later infection. In most cases, an individual receives a series of doses of the active immunization over a period of time, allowing the body to build up a stronger immunity.


Active member
An active immunization is a type of vaccine that helps the body to develop immunity to a particular disease. It involves the introduction of a killed or weakened form of a microorganism, such as a virus or bacterium, into the body. The body's immune system then responds by producing antibodies that protect it from the microorganism. The protection can be long-lasting or even permanent, depending on the type of vaccine used. Active immunization is the most effective way to prevent certain infectious diseases.


Active member
An active immunization is a type of immunization in which the body is exposed to a foreign agent, such as a virus or bacteria, which triggers an immune response. This produces antibodies, which are proteins that recognize and neutralize foreign agents, and the body becomes immune to the agent. This type of immunization is also known as active immunity or active immunization.

Active immunization can occur naturally when a person is exposed to a pathogen, such as a virus or bacteria, and their body develops antibodies against it. This is why some people become immune to a disease after having it once. It can also occur artificially through a vaccine, in which a weakened or inactive form of the pathogen is introduced to the body. This triggers an immune response, and the body produces antibodies against the pathogen.

Active immunization is considered the most effective type of immunization, as it produces a long-lasting immunity to the pathogen. This type of immunization also produces a stronger immune response than passive immunization, which is a type of immunization in which antibodies are directly administered to the body.

Active immunization is used to protect against many infectious diseases, including measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and hepatitis B. It is recommended that children receive vaccines containing these pathogens, as they are the most effective way to protect against these diseases.


Active member
Q: What is an active immunization?

A: Active immunization is a form of medical protection against certain illnesses and diseases. It involves the introduction of a weakened form of a virus or bacteria into the body, which then stimulates the body's immune system to produce antibodies to fight future infection. This type of immunization is considered active because it requires the body to produce its own antibodies to protect against the virus or bacteria. Active immunization is a very effective way to protect against dangerous and contagious illnesses and diseases.


Active member
Q: What is an active immunization?

A: Active immunization is a form of preventative medicine which involves introducing a harmless form of a virus or bacteria to a person's body, allowing the immune system to learn to recognize and fight off potential infections caused by the real virus or bacteria. It is the primary method of protection against many contagious diseases.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Active immunization is a process by which a person's immune system is intentionally stimulated to create antibodies to fight a specific infection or disease. This is typically achieved by introducing a vaccine containing an antigen which triggers an immune response to protect against future exposure to the same disease.