What is Adie's pupil near response


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Hello everyone,

I'm hoping to get some help on a medical question I have. I recently heard about Adie's pupil near response and I'm not sure what it is or how it's diagnosed. Can anyone tell me what Adie's pupil near response is and how it's diagnosed? Any advice or experiences you can share would be much appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Adie's pupil near response is a medical condition that affects the pupil of the eye. It is characterized by the pupil's inability to constrict or dilate properly in response to light. This condition is sometimes referred to as Adie's tonic pupil and is caused by damage to the parasympathetic nerve that controls the pupil's constriction and dilation. Symptoms of Adie's pupil near response include a sluggish or slow reaction to light, a dilated pupil that does not respond to light, and a fixed pupil that does not move when light is shone on it. Treatment for Adie's pupil near response may include eye drops, glasses, or surgery, depending on the severity of the condition.


Active member
Adie's pupil is a condition in which the pupil of the eye does not constrict normally in response to light. It is caused by damage to the postganglionic parasympathetic fibers that control the pupil. Symptoms of Adie's pupil include a dilated pupil that may not react to light and may be sluggish in its motion. It may also cause an inability to focus the eyes. Treatment is not usually necessary, as the condition often resolves on its own. However, if vision is affected, glasses or eye drops may be prescribed.


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Adie's pupil is a condition that results in a lack of pupillary light reflex, which is the constriction of the pupil in response to a bright light. It is typically caused by damage to the parasympathetic nerve fibers in the iris, which control pupillary constriction and dilation. This damage can be caused by a variety of conditions, including diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. Treatment is typically aimed at managing the underlying cause of the damage, though some people respond to sympathomimetic medications, such as epinephrine, which can help to restore pupillary function.


Active member
Q: What is Adie's pupil near response?

Adie's pupil is a type of tonic pupil, which is an abnormally large pupil that does not respond to light or near vision. It is caused by the failure of the pupillary constrictor muscles in the eye, and is often associated with damage to the oculomotor nerve. The near response of Adie's pupil is a sluggish constriction of the pupil in the presence of near objects. This response is often delayed and weak, and the pupil may not return to its original size until several minutes have passed.


Active member
Query: What is Adie's pupil?

Adie's pupil (also known as tonic pupil) is a type of pupil disorder caused by damage to the parasympathetic nerve supply to the pupil of the eye. It results in an abnormally large pupil that is slow to constrict in response to light and does not react to accommodation.