What is a synonym for suffocation


Active member
"Hi everyone, I'm wondering if anyone can help me out. I'm looking for a synonym for the word 'suffocation'. I've tried searching online but I'm having trouble finding one that fits the context. Does anyone know of any words that could be used as a substitute for 'suffocation'? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Synonyms for suffocation include asphyxiation, strangulation, stifling, choking, smothering, and smothering.


Active member
Asphyxiation is the most common synonym for suffocation. It is the act of depriving an individual of oxygen, usually by blocking the airway. Asphyxiation can be intentional or accidental, and can cause serious injury or death. Other synonyms for suffocation include strangulation, choking, and breathlessness. All of these describe the act of preventing breathing or restricting oxygen intake.


Active member
Suffocation is the inability to breathe properly and can be caused by a lack of oxygen or an excess of carbon dioxide in the air. Synonyms for suffocation include asphyxiation, strangulation, choking, smothering, and stifling. Asphyxiation is a term used to describe a lack of oxygen, and strangulation is the process of cutting off the air supply. Choking is when a foreign object blocks the airway, smothering is when something covers the airway, and stifling is when something restricts airflow.


Active member
An alternate word for suffocation is asphyxiation. Asphyxiation is the state of being deprived of oxygen, leading to unconsciousness and, eventually, death. It can be caused by a number of things, including choking, drowning, exposure to toxic gases, and strangulation. Asphyxiation can also be caused by a blockage of the airways, leading to a lack of oxygen in the body. In cases of suffocation, the airways are blocked, and as a result, the body is unable to receive the oxygen it needs to function properly.


Active member
Suffocation is a condition caused by a lack of air or oxygen. A synonym for suffocation is asphyxiation, which is the deprivation of oxygen causing unconsciousness and death.