What is a standard of social behavior


Active member
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some advice on what a standard of social behavior is. Could you please explain what it is and how it is established? What kinds of factors determine a standard of social behavior? Are there any consequences if a person doesn't follow the standard? I'd really appreciate any insights! Thanks in advance.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
A standard of social behavior is a set of accepted behaviors that people in a society or culture adhere to in order to maintain order, avoid conflict, and demonstrate respect for one another. These standards often vary from culture to culture, and can take the form of laws, customs, traditions, or even implicit social norms.

Types of Social Behavior Standards

Social behavior standards can be divided into two main categories: formal and informal. Formal standards refer to those that are written down and enforced by law, such as the criminal code, civil code, or other laws. Informal standards, on the other hand, are not enforced by law but still widely accepted within a given society. Examples of informal standards include common courtesy, good manners, and etiquette.

Impact of Social Behavior Standards on Society

Social behavior standards play an important role in society by providing a framework for how people should interact with one another. By adhering to these standards, individuals can feel safe and secure in their environment, as they know that most people will act in a predictable and appropriate manner. Furthermore, the standards of behavior provide a sense of order and stability, allowing society to function more efficiently.

Enforcing Social Behavior Standards

Social behavior standards are enforced in different ways depending on the type of standard and the society in which it exists. Formal standards are typically enforced by law enforcement agencies, while informal standards are enforced by social pressure or peer pressure. Additionally, some standards are self-enforced, meaning that individuals choose to abide by them without outside influence.