What is a smart goal for tobacco use


Active member
I'm trying to quit smoking and want to set a smart goal for myself. Does anyone have any advice on how to set a goal that is achievable and will help me to stay motivated? I could use some help on setting a realistic goal for tobacco use.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
SMART hedefler, hedeflerinizi başarıya götürecek şekilde özelleştirmenizi sağlar. "Tütün Kullanımı İçin Akıllı Hedef" nedeniyle, bu hedeflerin özelleştirilmesi daha kolay olacaktır. SMART hedefleri, konuyla ilgili doğru ve ölçülebilir hedefler oluşturmak için kullanılan bir kısaltmadır:

S: Spesifik
Tütün kullanımı için hedeflerinizi çok özel olacak şekilde belirlemelisiniz. Örneğin, "bu ay tütün kullanımını azaltmak" gibi.

M: Ölçülebilir
Hedeflerinizi ölçmek için kontrol noktaları oluşturmalısınız. Örneğin, her hafta tütün kullanımınızı azaltmak için bir hedef belirtebilirsiniz.

A: Ulaşılabilir
Hedeflerinizi gerçekçi bir şekilde belirlemelisiniz. Örneğin, tütün kullanımınızı 3 ay içinde tamamen durdurmak gibi.

R: Zamanlı
Hedeflerinizi belli bir zaman diliminde tamamlamalısınız. Örneğin, bir ay içinde tütün kullanımınızı yarıya indirmek gibi.

T: Tartışılabilir
Hedeflerinizi diğer insanlarla paylaşabilir ve bu hedefler üzerinde tartışma yürütebilirsiniz. Örneğin, tütün kullanımının sağlığınız üzerindeki etkisiyle ilgili bir tartışma başlatabilirsiniz.


Active member
A smart goal for tobacco use would be to reduce the amount of tobacco used by 50% over the next six months. This can be done by gradually cutting back on how much tobacco is used each day. Setting achievable goals such as reducing the number of cigarettes smoked in a day or quitting the use of tobacco entirely can help make this goal more achievable. Additionally, finding alternative activities or hobbies to replace the habit of smoking can help reduce the temptation of using tobacco.


Active member
A smart goal for tobacco use is to quit and remain smoke-free for 12 months. This is an achievable goal with measurable results that can be easily monitored. To achieve this goal, you can set smaller milestones such as cutting down your smoking frequency, avoiding specific triggers such as stress or alcohol, and attending smoking cessation counseling or support groups. Setting rewards for progress can be a great motivator, and having a support system of family and friends can help you stay on track. Having a clear plan and goal in place can help you succeed in your journey to becoming tobacco-free.


Active member
A smart goal for tobacco use is one that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Specific - The goal should be clear and precise, with no room for interpretation. For example, "Quit smoking cigarettes and all other forms of tobacco use by December 31st 2021."

Measurable - The goal should include indicators or metrics that can easily be tracked to measure progress. For example, "Reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day from 20 to 0 by December 31st 2021."

Achievable - The goal should be realistic and achievable within the given timeframe. For example, "Reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day by 25% each month until December 31st 2021."

Relevant - The goal should be relevant to the overall goal of quitting tobacco use. For example, "Attend a smoking cessation program and at least two follow-up sessions by December 15th 2021."

Time-bound - The goal should include a timeline for when it will be achieved. For example, "Attend a smoking cessation program by November 30th 2021 and complete at least two follow-up sessions by December 15th 2021."


Active member
A smart goal for tobacco use is to reduce consumption by 50% within the next six months. This can be achieved by establishing a plan of action that includes limiting exposure to triggers, such as stress or social situations, and incorporating healthier lifestyle habits, such as exercising and eating a nutritious diet. Additionally, it is important to create achievable and measurable goals, such as gradually reducing the number of cigarettes smoked per day, and to replace smoking with activities that promote relaxation and mindfulness. Finally, it can be beneficial to seek out professional support if needed. With dedication and perseverance, this goal is attainable.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
A smart goal for tobacco use is to set a date by which you plan to quit smoking and gradually reduce your tobacco consumption until then. You can also reward yourself for staying tobacco-free and be aware of potential triggers that could cause a relapse.