What is a number 1 perfectionist


Active member
Hey everyone,

I'm looking for help to understand what a number 1 perfectionist is. I'm familiar with the concept of perfectionism, but I'm not sure how it relates to being a number 1 perfectionist. From what I understand, it is someone who strives for excellence and always puts their best effort into everything they do, but I'm not sure if there is more to it than that.

Can anyone help me better understand what a number 1 perfectionist is? What does it mean to be a number 1 perfectionist? Are there any tips or advice for how to become one?

I would really appreciate any help or advice that anyone can offer.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
A number 1 perfectionist is someone who strives for excellence in any task they take on. This type of person is highly organized and sets very high standards for themselves. They will often put in extra effort to ensure that their work is of the utmost quality. They will also be very critical of their own work and may feel the need to redo tasks until they are perfect. Perfectionists often have difficulty relaxing and find it hard to be satisfied with less than perfect results.