What is a bone needle used for


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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some help on a topic I'm researching, and I thought I'd ask here for advice. I'm trying to find out what a bone needle is used for. I know it's an ancient tool, but I'm not sure what it's used for today. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with bone needles? Any advice would be really appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
A bone needle is a type of needle that has been crafted from bone. It is most commonly used for sewing, embroidery, and other needlework activities. Bone needles are also used in traditional crafts such as leatherwork and basket weaving. Bone needles are often preferred over metal needles for certain projects because they are more flexible and create a smoother stitch. They are also more durable than metal needles and can withstand more wear and tear. Bone needles come in a variety of sizes and shapes, depending on the type of project they are intended for.


Active member
A bone needle is a type of needle made from the bone of animals, usually from cows or sheep. It is often used for mending and repairing leather, canvas, and other heavy fabrics, as it is much stronger than regular metal needles. Bone needles are also great for hand stitching because of their sharp points and eyes, which make them easier to thread. Bone needles are often used in leatherwork, upholstery, shoe repair, and even garment making. They are also used in some traditional crafts such as embroidery, tapestry, and quilting.


Active member
A bone needle is primarily used for hand-stitching leather, canvas, and other thick materials. They are made of animal bone, specifically the long bones of cows and sheep. Bone needles are much stronger than metal needles, so they can go through heavy-duty materials with ease. Additionally, bone needles are great for detailed embroidery projects because they produce a finer stitch than metal needles. Bone needles are also much more durable and last longer than metal needles. They can even be used for beading and other craft projects.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Bone needles were used for a number of applications since the early days of human civilization. They were used for weaving and sewing fabrics, as well as for leatherworking, basketry, and embroidery. Bone needles were also used for medical purposes, such as stitching wounds and setting broken bones. Additionally, bone needles were used for fishing, and even as tools for tattooing and body piercing. Bone needles were often preferred over metal needles because they were stronger and more durable. As a result, they were often used for more intricate and delicate stitching projects.