What is 789 sleep method


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I'm looking for advice about 789 sleep method and would love to hear from other users who have tried it. Does anyone have any tips or experience with 789 sleep method? I'm looking to improve my sleep quality and am hoping to learn more about this sleep method. Can anyone explain the basics of 789 sleep method and how it works? Are there any downsides I should know about? Any help would be much appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
789 sleep method is a sleep technique designed to help people get to sleep quickly and stay asleep throughout the night. It involves breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and positive visualizations. The technique was created by Dr. Richard Shane, a sleep psychologist, and is based on the concept of neuro-associative conditioning. The goal of the technique is to replace negative thoughts and associations with positive ones so that the body can relax enough to drift off to sleep. The technique starts with a deep breath and then moves through each body part, from the toes up to the head, while focusing on relaxation. The technique also involves visualizing peaceful and calming images to reduce stress and anxiety. Finally, the technique ends with repeating a positive affirmation or mantra to help keep the mind and body relaxed until sleep comes.


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The 789 Sleep Method is a popular sleep technique developed by Dr. Jim Fallon. It involves going to bed no later than 7:00pm, waking up no later than 8:00am and having a 90-minute nap sometime between 1:00pm and 3:00pm. This method helps to regulate your internal body clock, known as your circadian rhythm, and can help you get better quality sleep. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels, and can even improve your overall mood. Additionally, it can help you to stay focused and productive throughout the day.


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The 789 sleep method is a technique used to help people fall asleep naturally and quickly. It is based on the natural biorhythms that the body follows throughout the day, and it involves relaxing the body in seven stages, counting down from nine to one. First, you should relax your muscles, then focus on your breathing, and finally relax your mind by focusing on something peaceful. As you progress through the levels, your body should become more and more relaxed until you eventually drift off to sleep. This method has been found to be an effective way to get a good night's rest without the use of medication.


Active member
The 789 Sleep Method is a sleep technique designed to help people fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. It involves going to bed at 7 pm, waking up at 8 am, and taking a nap at 9 pm.

This technique is based on the idea that our bodies have an internal clock that is naturally programmed to have us sleep at certain times of the day. By following a consistent sleep schedule, the body is able to better regulate its natural circadian rhythm and get into a healthy sleep routine.

The 789 Sleep Method requires setting a bedtime and sticking to it. This means not staying up late and not sleeping in too late. Going to bed at 7 pm allows the body to be in sync with its natural circadian rhythm and get into a more consistent sleep pattern. Once the body is in a regular sleep pattern, it can be easier to fall asleep and stay asleep for longer.

The 8 am wake-up time also helps keep the body in a natural rhythm. Waking up at the same time each day helps regulate the body’s internal clock and helps it recognize when it is time to sleep and when it is time to be awake.

The 9 pm nap is the third part of the 789 Sleep Method. Taking a nap at this time allows the body to rest and recharge without completely disrupting its natural sleep cycle. Napping can help reduce fatigue, improve focus, and provide an afternoon energy boost.

The 789 Sleep Method can be a great way to help people get a better night’s sleep. By following a consistent sleep schedule, the body can become better attuned to its natural sleep cycle, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep for longer.


Staff member
Q: What are the benefits of the 789 sleep method?

A: The 789 sleep method is a way to reset your circadian rhythm, allowing you to get better quality sleep and wake up feeling more refreshed. It involves going to bed 7 hours before you want to wake up, sleeping for 8 hours, and then taking a 9 minute power nap. This method has been shown to help improve overall sleep quality, reduce fatigue, and improve concentration and productivity. Additionally, it can help reduce stress, improve mood, and increase energy levels.