What happens when a baby is born not breathing


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"Hello everyone, I'm really hoping someone can help me out. My friend is expecting a baby soon and I'm worried because I heard that sometimes babies can be born not breathing. Can anyone tell me what happens in this situation? Are there any special treatments or procedures that are done to help the baby? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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When a baby is born not breathing, it is a medical emergency. The baby needs to be assessed quickly and given medical attention as soon as possible. If the baby is not breathing at birth, it is important to start resuscitation efforts immediately and get help from medical professionals.

Causes of Not Breathing at Birth
There are many potential causes of a baby not breathing at birth. Some of the most common causes include obstructed airways, respiratory distress syndrome, and congenital heart defects. Other causes may include infection, birth defects, or trauma during labor or delivery.

Signs of Not Breathing at Birth
The most common sign of a baby not breathing at birth is that the baby will not be crying or making any noise. The baby may also be pale, limp, and have a bluish color to the skin. Other signs may include a weak or absent heartbeat, difficulty breathing, or an abnormal breathing pattern.

Treatment for a baby not breathing at birth depends on the cause. Resuscitation efforts, such as providing oxygen and chest compressions, may be needed to restore the baby's breathing. If the cause is a medical condition, such as a birth defect, the baby may need to be transferred to a specialized medical facility for further care.

There are several steps that can be taken to help prevent a baby from not breathing at birth. These include making sure the mother is healthy and getting regular prenatal care throughout the pregnancy. It is also important for the mother to practice safe delivery practices, such as avoiding the use of drugs or alcohol during labor and delivery.