If psychosis is left untreated, it can lead to significant health complications and even death. Psychosis is a mental disorder characterized by symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and difficulty functioning in everyday life. If untreated, these symptoms can become more severe and cause serious harm to the individual and those around them.
Untreated psychosis can lead to a wide range of problems, including difficulty functioning at work or school, increased social isolation, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts. Without proper treatment, the person may be at an increased risk of violence or self-harm. Additionally, untreated psychosis can lead to long-term cognitive decline as well as physical health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
It is important to seek help for psychotic symptoms as soon as possible to avoid serious health complications. Early treatment can help reduce the severity of symptoms and minimize the risk of potential harm. Treatment typically includes a combination of medications and psychotherapy. Medications can help reduce psychotic symptoms and improve functioning. Psychotherapy can help the individual develop coping strategies, identify triggers of their symptoms, and build a support system. It is also important for individuals with psychosis to have a good relationship with their doctor to ensure they are receiving the best care.