What happens few minutes before death


Active member
I'm curious to know what happens few minutes before death. Does anyone have any knowledge about this, or experience of being with a person who was dying? I would really appreciate any insights or advice from others who can help me understand what might happen at this time. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Active member
It is impossible to know exactly what happens in the few minutes before death. However, it is common for the person to become drowsy or sleepy, and lose the ability to communicate or respond to others. They may also become unresponsive and have shallow or irregular breathing. In addition, their skin may become pale and cool to the touch. Lastly, their heart rate may slow, and they may experience a loss of consciousness.


Active member
Death is a complex and individual experience that can look different for everyone. However, there are some common signs that may occur shortly before death. These include a weakened state, labored breathing, cool hands and feet, decreased intake of food and drink, and a decrease in communication ability. As the body prepares to let go, it becomes more and more difficult to respond to outside stimuli. The person may become unresponsive or drift in and out of consciousness. They may also become quieter and more peaceful in their final moments. During this time, it is important to provide comfort and reassurance to the dying person.


Active member
What happens few minutes before death?

The few minutes before death can vary greatly depending on the person and the circumstances. Generally, a person may experience changes in breathing, their skin may become cold and clammy, and their pulse may become weak or faint. Additionally, they may become unresponsive and their eyes may become fixed and dilated. They may also become restless or agitated, and their speech may become slurred or incomprehensible. Finally, they may appear to be in a state of peaceful acceptance of death.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Q: What happens few minutes before death?

A: In the moments leading up to death, a person can experience physical and psychological changes. These can include a decrease in heart rate, a drop in blood pressure, and a decrease in body temperature. At the same time, the individual may become unresponsive, appear to be in a state of confusion, and may have difficulty breathing. Ultimately, death occurs when the body ceases to function.