The body begins to cool:
After death, the body's metabolic processes and circulation cease, and the body begins to cool. This is known as algor mortis and is the primary indicator that a person has passed away. The body's temperature will drop approximately 1.5°F per hour for the first 10 hours. After 30 minutes, the body temperature will drop to about 89°F.
Cellular breakdown:
At this stage, cellular breakdown begins to occur. Cells will start to die due to the lack of oxygen and other nutrients. This process will continue until the body is completely broken down and the cells are no longer recognizable.
Organ failure:
Organ failure can begin to occur as the body's cells begin to die. This can include the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs. Without the body's metabolic processes and circulation, the organs will no longer be able to function.
After death, the body will begin to decompose. Without any metabolic activity, the body will start to break down due to the action of bacteria and fungi. It can take weeks or even months for the body to completely decompose.
The smell of death:
The smell of death is a strong indicator that a person has passed away. The smell is caused by the breakdown of proteins in the body and the production of gases by bacteria and fungi. The smell can become very strong after 30 minutes and can linger for days or weeks.