What foods cause hives


Active member
I'm dealing with what I think may be hives, and I'm wondering what foods might be causing them. Does anyone else have experience with this? I'm looking for advice on what to avoid eating and what might be a possible trigger. Has anyone else had a similar issue and been able to identify the source? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member

Hives, also known as urticaria, are itchy, red bumps that can appear on the skin due to an allergic reaction. Some of the most common triggers of hives are foods, so it is important to identify which foods may be causing the hives.

Common Foods That Can Cause Hives

Some of the most common foods that can cause hives include peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, shellfish, wheat, soy, dairy, and citrus fruits. Other foods that can cause hives are fish, tomatoes, strawberries, and chocolate.

Tips for Avoiding Foods That Cause Hives

The best way to avoid hives caused by food is to identify which foods you are allergic to and to avoid them. It is also important to read labels carefully when buying food, as some products may contain ingredients that may trigger a reaction. It is also important to cook food thoroughly, as raw foods can trigger an allergic reaction. Additionally, taking an antihistamine may help to reduce the risk of hives.


Active member
Hives (also known as urticaria) can be caused by a wide variety of foods. Common food triggers include shellfish, nuts, eggs, dairy, wheat, soy, and food additives like sulfites and MSG. If you suspect that a food is causing your hives, it's best to consult your doctor. They may suggest an elimination diet to help you pinpoint the allergen and determine the best course of action. Additionally, they may order allergy tests to confirm whether or not you have a food allergy.


Active member
Hives are typically caused by an allergic reaction to foods, medications, or environmental factors. Common foods that can cause hives include nuts, shellfish, dairy, eggs, and wheat. However, hives can also be caused by food additives, such as food coloring, MSG, nitrates, preservatives, and sulfites. If you suspect that you may be having an allergic reaction to a food, it is important to talk to your doctor or allergist to determine the cause. If food is identified as the cause, it is important to avoid it and any related products in order to reduce the risk of future reactions.


Active member
Hives, also known as urticaria, are a type of skin rash that is often caused by an allergic reaction. While the exact cause of hives is not always clear, certain foods can be triggers for hives in some individuals.

Common foods that can cause hives include certain fruits, such as strawberries, cherries, and oranges; nuts, such as peanuts and walnuts; fish, such as salmon and tuna; eggs; dairy products; and certain spices, such as cinnamon and chili powder. Some people may also experience an allergic reaction to food additives, such as yeast, sulfites, and monosodium glutamate (MSG).

The best way to determine which foods are causing hives is to keep a food diary and track what foods you eat and the reactions you experience. If you suspect a particular food is causing an allergic reaction, you should avoid it and see if the hives go away. If they do not, you may need to consult a doctor for further testing.

It is important to note that hives may also be caused by other factors, such as certain medications, insect bites, stress, and physical activity. If your hives do not seem to be linked to a particular food, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor to determine the cause.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: What foods are most likely to cause hives?

A: The most common trigger foods for hives are shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, wheat, soy, and fish. However, any food can potentially cause hives in some individuals, so it is important to pay close attention to your body's reactions after eating. Other potential triggers include certain medications, insect bites or stings, latex, and environmental factors like pollen or pet dander. If you suspect you may have a food intolerance or allergic reaction, it is important to speak with your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: What foods are known to cause hives?

A: Common food allergens known to cause hives include dairy, eggs, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish, and certain fruits and vegetables. Eating these foods can trigger an allergic reaction that leads to hives.