What exercises should you avoid with shoulder pain


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"Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice. I'm currently suffering from shoulder pain and I'm wondering what exercises I should avoid to help reduce the pain. Does anyone have any experience with this or any tips they can share? I'd really appreciate any help that can be offered.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Subtitle: Exercises to Avoid

When you experience shoulder pain, it is important to take steps to reduce the amount of discomfort and avoid further injury. Knowing which exercises to avoid can help protect your shoulder from further harm.

Resistance Training
Resistance training can put a lot of strain on the shoulder joint, so it should be avoided if you are experiencing shoulder pain. Resistance training is any exercise in which you are working against a resistance, such as weights, bands, or your own body weight. Exercises such as chest presses, lateral raises, and rows can all put added strain on the shoulder joint.

Overhead Presses
Overhead presses are a type of resistance training that should be avoided when you have shoulder pain. These exercises involve lifting weights or other objects above your head, which can place extra strain on the shoulder joint.

Pull-ups are a great exercise for building upper body strength, but they can also put a lot of strain on the shoulder joint. When performing pull-ups, the shoulders are forced to bear the weight of the body. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, it is best to avoid this exercise until your shoulder has healed.

Swimming is a great form of exercise, but it should be avoided if you are experiencing shoulder pain. The repetitive motion of swimming can put extra strain on the shoulder joint, so it is best to avoid this exercise until the pain has subsided.

High-Impact Cardio
High-impact cardio exercises such as running, jumping, and skipping can also place extra strain on the shoulder joint. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, it is best to avoid these activities until the pain has subsided. Low-impact activities, such as walking or cycling, can be a good alternative.

By avoiding these exercises, you can help protect your shoulder from further harm and allow it to heal. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, it is best to consult a doctor or physical therapist for advice on the best exercises for you.


Active member
When shoulder pain is present, it is important to avoid any exercises that could potentially worsen the injury. Exercises that involve the shoulder joint, such as shoulder presses, overhead lifts, and pull-ups, should be avoided. Any overhead activities, such as throwing, should also be avoided. Exercises that involve the chest and back, such as push-ups and planks, should be done with caution. If any shoulder pain is experienced during these exercises, they should be stopped immediately. Exercises that are safe for shoulder pain include those that target the arms, legs, and core muscles, such as walking, biking, swimming, and yoga.


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Exercises that should be avoided with shoulder pain include those that require a lot of overhead movement, such as shoulder presses and pull-ups. Other exercises to avoid include those that involve jerky or rapid movements, as well as those that involve a lot of weight, such as weighted squats or deadlifts. It is important to avoid pushing through any pain and to talk to a doctor or physical therapist if the pain persists. Additionally, it can be helpful to focus on exercises that strengthen the muscles around the shoulder joint, such as shoulder pendulums, wall slides, and band pull-aparts.


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If you have shoulder pain, it is important to be mindful of the exercises you choose to do. Certain movements can worsen the pain and delay your recovery.

It is important to avoid exercises that involve any type of shoulder press, such as shoulder presses, lateral raises, and front raises. These exercises involve pressing or raising the arms overhead and can put too much strain on the shoulder joint.

It is also important to avoid exercises that require you to hold a weight in one hand and raise it above your head, such as overhead tricep extensions or cable tricep pushdowns.

Additionally, exercises such as pull-ups/chin-ups, upright rows, and lat pulldowns should be avoided as they involve putting the shoulder joint in an overhead position, which can cause pain.

If you are looking for a strengthening exercise for the shoulders, exercises such as shoulder shrugs, reverse flys, and bent-over rows can be beneficial as they involve movements that are not overhead and do not put excessive strain on the shoulder joint.

Overall, when dealing with shoulder pain, it is important to be mindful of the exercises you choose and to avoid any exercises that involve pressing or raising the arms overhead or putting the shoulder joint in an overhead position.


Active member
If you have shoulder pain, it is recommended to avoid exercises that involve any overhead movements, pushing or pulling motions, or those that involve a lot of weight. You should also avoid any exercises that put too much stress on the shoulder joint, such as dips, pull-ups, and push-ups. It is also important to avoid activities that involve sudden or jerky motions, such as volleyball, tennis, or weight lifting. As an alternative, you can focus on exercises that focus on stretching and strengthening the muscles around the shoulder joint. This can include exercises such as shoulder rolls, arm circles, and shoulder presses. You should also make sure to perform exercises in a slow and controlled manner, and to avoid any movements that cause pain or discomfort.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
It is best to avoid any exercises that involve shoulder abduction, abduction of the shoulder joint, and any internal or external rotation of the shoulder joint. Strengthening exercises with bands and light dumbbells can be beneficial for shoulder pain, but it is important to focus on proper form and technique. Also, exercises like yoga and Pilates can be helpful for shoulder pain, as long as the movements are slow and controlled. Finally, it is important to properly stretch the shoulder muscles before and after any exercise to avoid further injury.