What emotion do psychopaths lack


Active member
I'm trying to understand more about psychopaths and the emotions (or lack thereof) that they experience. From what I understand, psychopaths lack the ability to experience empathy and guilt, but what other emotions do they lack? Can anyone provide me with some insight or resources on this topic? I'd really appreciate it.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy, shallow emotions, impulsiveness, and a tendency to manipulate and hurt others. Psychopaths are often portrayed as cold-blooded criminals in popular culture, but in reality, they are more likely to be manipulative and deceptive than violent. So, what emotion do psychopaths lack?

Empathy and Compassion

Psychopaths are incapable of feeling empathy and compassion for others. They lack the ability to understand the emotions of other people and to feel compassion for those who are suffering. This lack of empathy can lead to a callous disregard for the feelings of others and a disregard for morality.

Remorse and Guilt

Psychopaths also lack remorse and feelings of guilt. They are often unapologetic for their actions and tend to blame others for their mistakes. They rarely show signs of regret or take responsibility for their actions.

Fear and Anxiety

Psychopaths also have difficulty processing fear and anxiety. They often don't understand the consequences of their actions and are unable to anticipate negative outcomes. They may even be unaware of potential danger and take risks that could have serious consequences.

Shame and Embarrassment

Psychopaths lack the ability to feel shame or embarrassment. They are able to manipulate and deceive others without feeling any remorse or guilt. They may also be unaware of the social stigma associated with their actions and lack the ability to feel embarrassed.

Love and Intimacy

Psychopaths also lack the ability to feel love or establish meaningful relationships. They may be unable to form emotional attachments and may be incapable of forming intimate connections. They may also be unable to empathize with others and lack the ability to understand the depth of emotion involved in a relationship.

In conclusion, psychopaths lack empathy and compassion and are unable to feel remorse, guilt, fear, anxiety, shame, embarrassment, love, and intimacy. They are often manipulative and deceptive and lack the ability to form meaningful relationships.