What does trauma release feel like


Active member
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some help and insight on something I'm trying to understand. What does trauma release feel like? I've heard about it and seen others talk about it, but I'm not sure what it really feels like. Is it a physical sensation? Is it an emotional experience? Is it something else entirely? I'm open to any advice and experience that anyone can share on this topic.


Staff member
Trauma release is a process of healing from emotional pain or distress that has resulted from a traumatic experience. The goal of trauma release is to help the individual reclaim their life, free from the burden of negative emotions, memories, and experiences associated with the trauma.

Physical Sensations of Trauma Release

When undergoing trauma release, it is common to experience physical sensations such as a tingling in the body, warmth, heaviness, and lightness. Other physical sensations can include trembling, shaking, and a sense of expansion in the body. These sensations can be a sign that the trauma is being released from the body and mind.

Emotional Reactions to Trauma Release

During trauma release, individuals can experience a range of emotions. These can include relief, sadness, joy, fear, anger, and shame. It is important to allow these emotions to be felt and expressed. With time and support, these emotions can be processed and integrated into the individual’s life in a healthy way.

Long-term Benefits of Trauma Release

The long-term benefits of trauma release are numerous and include improved physical health, increased emotional resilience, improved relationships, and an increased sense of self-confidence and self-worth. Trauma release can also help individuals to experience a greater sense of peace and freedom in life.


Active member
Trauma release can feel like a great sense of relief, weight being lifted off your shoulders, and a newfound sense of freedom. Many people find that their body feels more relaxed, their breathing becomes more even and their overall mood improves. You may also feel relief from physical symptoms such as tightness in the chest, tension in the muscles, and an increase in energy and vitality. Above all, trauma release can bring a feeling of hope and positivity into your life, allowing you to move forward with more clarity and purpose.


Active member
Trauma release can feel different for every person. For some, it can be experienced as a profound sense of peace and relief, whilst for others it may be more subtle. It can be described as a feeling of being unburdened or 'lighter' after a traumatic experience has been processed and released. It can also be accompanied by physical sensations such as the release of tension in the body, a feeling of relaxation, or a tingling sensation. In some cases, it can also be accompanied by a sense of joy and gratitude. Ultimately, trauma release is a highly individual experience and it is important to recognise what it feels like for you.


Active member
Trauma release can be a deeply powerful and cathartic experience. It is often described as a feeling of relief, freedom, and peace.

When releasing trapped emotions and repressed traumatic memories, the individual may feel a range of intense emotions, including fear, sadness, anger, and guilt. These emotions can be released through deep breathing, physical movement, or talking about the experience.

The feeling of trauma release can be similar to a physical release, such as a weight being lifted off the individual’s body. It can also be felt as a feeling of lightness, clarity, and renewed energy.

The individual may also feel a sense of connection and understanding of their inner self. This may be accompanied by a deep sense of self-love, appreciation, and acceptance.

Finally, the individual may experience a sense of peace and tranquility. They may also be able to reconnect with parts of themselves that were previously blocked, and feel more whole and empowered.

The feeling of trauma release is often accompanied by an understanding that the individual is now free from the effects of the trauma and that the experience has been processed and integrated. They may also find a renewed sense of purpose and direction in their life.


Staff member
"I'm curious to know what trauma release feels like and how to achieve it."

Trauma release can feel like a great weight has been lifted, allowing for new clarity and freedom. It is a deeply liberating experience and can be achieved through various techniques such as trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), and mindfulness practices, such as yoga, meditation, and breathwork. Depending on the particular trauma, a combination of approaches may be necessary to effectively heal and move through it. Ultimately, trauma release is a process of self-discovery and self-care, and it is important to be gentle and compassionate with yourself throughout.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
"What does trauma release feel like?"

Trauma release can feel like a profound sense of relief, as if a heavy weight has been lifted off one's shoulders. It can also bring a wave of relaxation and peace, as well as a heightened sense of clarity and connection to one's true self.