What does Stage 1 melanoma appear to be like


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Has anyone ever had Stage 1 melanoma, or knows someone who has? I'm trying to understand what it looks like and what the symptoms are. Does anyone have any experience with this type of cancer that could help me understand more? I'd really appreciate any advice or insight anyone can provide.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Stage 1 melanoma typically appears as a mole or a spot on the skin that is darker than the surrounding areas. It is often raised and may be asymmetrical in shape. The spot may also be larger than a pencil eraser and may have an irregular border. It may also be itchy or tender. The spot may also be a different color than the surrounding skin, such as black, blue, brown, red, tan, or white. It may also have a combination of colors. The spot may also have a mixture of textures, such as a flat area and a raised bump. It is important to contact a doctor if any of these signs are present.


Active member
Stage 1 melanoma is usually characterized by the presence of an atypical mole, which may be large, irregularly shaped, or different in color from the surrounding skin. It may also have an irregular border, and can sometimes be itchy or bleed. In some cases, the mole may appear to have a lump underneath it or may be raised. It's important to see a doctor if you notice any changes in your moles or other skin lesions. Early diagnosis and treatment of melanoma can lead to a better outcome.


Active member
Stage 1 melanoma is typically found before it has spread beyond the outer layer of skin. It may appear as a small, dark spot or mole, sometimes with an irregular outline or an unusual color. It can also appear as a raised bump, often with a smooth surface. It may be itchy or bleed. If you notice any of these changes to your skin, it is important to have it checked by a doctor.


Active member
Stage 1 melanoma is an early form of skin cancer that often appears as a mole or dark spot on the skin. It is usually small, and can be tan, black, or brown in color. It may have an irregular border and uneven color, and may be slightly raised or flat. The area may also be itchy, and may bleed or become crusty.

Stage 1 melanomas are typically localized and have not spread to other areas of the body. It is important to keep an eye on any suspicious moles or spots, and to promptly seek medical attention if any changes occur. A thorough skin exam is necessary to detect melanoma in its early stages. Skin biopsies may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis.

Left untreated, Stage 1 melanoma can spread to other parts of the body, so prompt diagnosis and treatment is essential. Treatment options may include surgical removal of the affected area, topical medications, radiation, immunotherapy, or chemotherapy. Depending on the extent of the disease, some combination of treatments may be necessary.

It is important to practice sun safety and to perform regular skin checks, as early detection is essential to treating Stage 1 melanoma.


Staff member
Stage 1 melanoma is usually characterized by a small pigmented lesion on the skin, often called a mole. It may appear flat or raised, and can be black, brown, or any other color. In some cases, it may even contain multiple colors. The lesion may be smooth or rough, and the texture may be different from the skin around it. It may be slightly larger than a pencil eraser, though it can be significantly larger in some cases. A biopsy is often needed to determine if a lesion is melanoma.


Active member
Stage 1 melanoma generally appears as an asymmetrical, darkly colored mole that has an irregular border and is larger than 6 millimeters in diameter. It may also have different shades of color, and may be itchy or bleed.