Type 3 ADHD is a recently defined type of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is characterized by difficulty in sustaining focus and attention, problems with emotional regulation, and a tendency to act impulsively. People with Type 3 ADHD often struggle to start and complete tasks, have difficulty with social interactions, and may experience low self-esteem.
Symptoms of Type 3 ADHD
The primary symptoms of Type 3 ADHD include difficulty sustaining focus and attention, problems with emotional regulation, and a tendency to act impulsively. These symptoms may manifest in different ways, such as:
• Difficulty starting and completing tasks
• Inability to stay focused on a task for an extended period of time
• Impulsive behavior
• Difficulty with social interactions
• Low self-esteem
• Difficulty managing emotions
Diagnosis of Type 3 ADHD
Type 3 ADHD is a relatively new concept, and doctors may not be familiar with it. It is important to consult with a medical professional and discuss your symptoms in order to receive an accurate diagnosis.
When diagnosing Type 3 ADHD, doctors may look for signs of the following:
• Low emotional regulation
• Impulsive behavior
• Difficulty sustaining focus
• Low self-esteem
Treatment of Type 3 ADHD
Treatment for Type 3 ADHD generally includes medication, psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, and educational interventions. Medication can help to improve focus and reduce impulsive behavior. Psychotherapy can help to improve emotional regulation, self-esteem, and social skills. Lifestyle changes can help to reduce stress and improve sleep quality. Educational interventions can help to improve organizational skills and time management.