What does it mean to be a member of AA


Active member
Hello everyone! I am new to Alcoholics Anonymous and am curious about what it means to be a member. Can anyone here offer me some advice or share their experiences? I'm looking for stories of how being a part of AA has helped others and what it means to be a part of the fellowship. Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


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AA, also known as Alcoholics Anonymous, is an international fellowship of people who have had problems with drinking alcohol. AA was founded in 1935 and has since grown to become one of the most widely-recognized support groups for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction.

What AA Offers

AA offers a wide range of services and resources designed to help members recover from alcohol use disorder. AA meetings provide an opportunity for members to share their experiences, strengths, and hopes with one another in a safe and supportive environment. AA also provides members with literature, such as the “Big Book,” which contains stories of recovery and helpful advice.

Benefits of Membership

Being a member of AA can provide numerous benefits, including:

• Developing a healthier lifestyle: AA encourages members to develop healthier habits and coping skills to help avoid relapse.

• Building a support network: Through AA meetings, members can build a strong network of peers who understand their struggles and offer support.

• Developing a sense of community: AA provides members with a sense of belonging to a larger community of people who are going through similar struggles.

Requirements for Membership

To become a member of AA, an individual must demonstrate a desire to stop drinking and attend meetings regularly. Additionally, members are encouraged to follow the 12 steps of AA, which provide a framework for recovery and personal growth.


Active member
Being a member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can be a life-changing experience. AA is a fellowship of individuals who share their experiences, strength, and hope with each other to help each other recover from alcoholism.

The primary purpose of AA is to help individuals who suffer from alcohol use disorder (AUD) to abstain from drinking and maintain sobriety. AA members support each other in their recovery by providing emotional and moral support, encouraging healthy and sober living, and helping members learn how to cope with life’s challenges without resorting to drinking.

The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are the foundation of the program. These steps provide a guide for members to help identify areas in their lives that need to be addressed in order to achieve sobriety. The 12 Steps are also a framework for members to follow to practice spiritual principles in their lives.

AA also offers members other support services such as meetings, workshops, and retreats. Through these services, members can connect with other members who understand their struggles and can provide guidance and support.

Being a part of AA is not just about abstaining from drinking. It is about committing to a life of sobriety and personal growth. AA members are encouraged to embrace a lifestyle of self-care and self-improvement, which includes finding meaningful work, developing healthy relationships, and finding joy and purpose in life.

AA provides a safe and supportive environment for members to grow and recover. It is a place where members can find fellowship and understanding, and learn how to live a life of sobriety. AA members learn how to take responsibility for their own lives and find the strength needed to remain sober.


Active member
Being a member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) means committing to a lifestyle of sobriety and recovery. It involves attending regular meetings, where members can share their struggles, successes, and experiences with others. It also means being willing to be accountable and open to feedback from other members. AA provides support and guidance to help members through their recovery journey, as well as helping them to develop better coping skills and strategies for living a healthy and productive life. Membership also involves adhering to the twelve steps of AA, which are a set of principles that guide members in their recovery.


Active member
Being an AA member means having a commitment to the principles of the organization and the program of recovery. It means having a commitment to abstinence from alcohol and to living a healthy and productive life. It also means having a support system of peers who understand what you’re going through and who are there to help you when needed. It means getting involved, participating in meetings, and building relationships with other members. Finally, it means taking responsibility for one’s actions and learning to rely on one’s Higher Power to help through difficult times. All of these factors contribute to the recovery process and make being an AA member a rewarding experience.


Active member
Being a member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can be a life-changing experience. AA is a fellowship of individuals who share their experiences, strength, and hope with each other to help each other recover from alcoholism.

The primary purpose of AA is to help individuals who suffer from alcohol use disorder (AUD) to abstain from drinking and maintain sobriety. AA members support each other in their recovery by providing emotional and moral support, encouraging healthy and sober living, and helping members learn how to cope with life’s challenges without resorting to drinking.

The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are the foundation of the program. These steps provide a guide for members to help identify areas in their lives that need to be addressed in order to achieve sobriety. The 12 Steps are also a framework for members to follow to practice spiritual principles in their lives.

AA also offers members other support services such as meetings, workshops, and retreats. Through these services, members can connect with other members who understand their struggles and can provide guidance and support.

Being a part of AA is not just about abstaining from drinking. It is about committing to a life of sobriety and personal growth. AA members are encouraged to embrace a lifestyle of self-care and self-improvement, which includes finding meaningful work, developing healthy relationships, and finding joy and purpose in life.

AA provides a safe and supportive environment for members to grow and recover. It is a place where members can find fellowship and understanding, and learn how to live a life of sobriety. AA members learn how to take responsibility for their own lives and find the strength needed to remain sober.


Active member
Q: What is the difference between a sponsor and a mentor in AA?

A sponsor in AA is a more experienced member of the program who provides guidance and support to someone who is new to the program. A mentor is someone who is more experienced in their sobriety and can offer more advice and support. A sponsor may also serve as a mentor, but a mentor typically has more life experience or professional background to provide additional guidance and support. They can help guide someone through the process of recovery, providing advice on navigating life in sobriety and how to stay sober.


Active member
"What do you think it means to be a member of AA?"

Being a member of Alcoholics Anonymous means committing to a life of sobriety, fellowship, and accountability. It also entails following the 12-Steps, which provide a path to a better life free from the bondage of alcohol. Additionally, it means being part of a community of individuals who are all striving to achieve the same goal.