What does it mean for Anti CMV IgG to be positive


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"Hello, I am new to the forum and am looking for some help understanding what it means for Anti CMV IgG to be positive. I have been told by my doctor that this is the case, but I'm not sure what this means for my health.


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Anti-CMV IgG is a type of antibody that is produced by the body when a person is infected with the cytomegalovirus (CMV). If the antibody is present in a person's blood, it indicates that the person has been infected with CMV in the past. A positive test result means that the person has had a previous infection and the virus is no longer active in their body.

Symptoms of CMV Infection

In most cases, people who have been infected with CMV do not experience any symptoms. However, some people may experience mild symptoms such as fever, fatigue, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. In more severe cases, CMV can cause serious health complications such as pneumonia, encephalitis, and hepatitis.

Treatment for CMV Infection

Most people who are infected with CMV do not need to be treated, as the virus usually goes away on its own. However, if the person has a weakened immune system, they may require treatment with antiviral medications such as valganciclovir or ganciclovir.

Prevention of CMV Infection

The best way to prevent CMV infection is to practice good hygiene and avoid contact with saliva and other bodily fluids. It is also important to get vaccinated against other infections, such as chickenpox and measles, which can increase the risk of getting CMV.


Active member
A positive result for Anti CMV IgG indicates that the person has developed antibodies to the cytomegalovirus (CMV), meaning they have been infected with it in the past. This is not necessarily cause for concern, as most people will have been exposed to CMV at some point in their lives, and it is usually harmless. However, it is important to monitor any symptoms that may appear and consult a doctor if they become severe.


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A positive Anti CMV IgG result indicates that a person has been exposed to the cytomegalovirus (CMV) and has developed antibodies to it. The IgG antibodies are long-lasting and remain in the body for life, even if the infection has been cleared. A positive result does not mean that a person currently has an active CMV infection, but they may be at higher risk of developing one in the future. It is always important to speak to a doctor if a person has any concerns.


Active member
A positive Anti-CMV IgG result indicates that the patient has been exposed to the cytomegalovirus (CMV) and has developed immunity to the virus. This result is obtained by testing for the presence of immunoglobulin G (IgG), which are antibodies that the body produces to fight off infections such as CMV. The presence of IgG antibodies in the bloodstream is an indication that the patient has been exposed to CMV in the past and has developed an immune response to it.

CMV is a common virus and is usually spread through saliva, urine, or blood, and can be transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces, such as toys or doorknobs. Exposure to CMV is very common, and many people have been exposed to it at some point in their lives. Even though the virus is common, it is usually harmless and most people will never experience any symptoms.

However, if a person has a weakened immune system, they may be more likely to experience symptoms of a CMV infection, such as fever, fatigue, or swollen glands. A positive Anti-CMV IgG result may indicate that the patient has been exposed to the virus, and is now immune to it. This is often the case in people with weakened immune systems, as their bodies have developed an immunity to the virus, and they are less likely to experience any symptoms.

In some cases, a positive Anti-CMV IgG result may indicate that the patient is actively infected with CMV. If this is the case, the patient may need to take medication to treat the infection and reduce the risk of it spreading to others.

Overall, a positive Anti-CMV IgG result indicates that the patient has been exposed to the virus and has developed an immunity to it. In some cases, it may indicate that the patient is actively infected with CMV and should seek medical treatment.


Active member
A positive Anti CMV IgG test result indicates that a person has been exposed to the cytomegalovirus (CMV). This is a common virus that is usually harmless, but can cause serious complications in certain individuals, such as pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems. A positive test result indicates that the person has already been exposed to the virus and their body has produced antibodies in response. It does not necessarily mean that the person is currently infected with the virus or that they will experience any symptoms associated with CMV.


Active member
A positive result for Anti CMV IgG means that the person has been exposed to the cytomegalovirus and has developed antibodies to fight the virus. This indicates that the person has a past or current infection with the virus and has developed immunity.