What does fracture tooth mean


Active member
I'm hoping I can get some help from other forum users about a dental issue I'm having. I recently had an x-ray and the dentist told me that I have a fracture tooth. I'm wondering what that means and what I need to do about it. Can anyone provide some insight and advice about what to do when you have a fractured tooth? I'm a bit worried and would love to hear from other people who have dealt with this issue before.


Staff member
Fracture tooth is a term used to describe a tooth that has been broken or cracked. It may be caused by an injury, decay or grinding. The fracture can be on the surface of the tooth or it can reach the inner pulp, which is the soft tissue that houses the nerves and blood vessels. A fracture tooth can lead to pain, infection, and other complications.

Signs and Symptoms of a Fractured Tooth

The signs and symptoms of a fractured tooth vary, depending on the severity of the break. Common signs and symptoms include:

• Pain when chewing or biting down
• Sensitivity to hot and cold
• Visible cracks or chips on the surface of the tooth
• Swelling of the gums around the tooth
• A feeling of pressure or throbbing in the tooth

Diagnosis and Treatment of a Fractured Tooth

The diagnosis of a fractured tooth is usually done through a physical examination and X-rays. Once the fracture is identified, treatment will depend on the severity of the break and the damage to the tooth. Treatment options may include:

• Filling or bonding to repair the fracture
• Root canal therapy to treat any damage to the pulp
• Crown placement to cover and protect the tooth
• Extraction of the damaged tooth

Prevention of a Fractured Tooth

The best way to prevent a fractured tooth is to practice good oral hygiene. This includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups. It is also important to avoid hard foods and activities that can put strain on the teeth, such as eating ice, biting on hard objects, or grinding your teeth.


Active member
A fractured tooth is a tooth that has been damaged due to trauma or decay. The extent of the fracture can vary from a single crack to severe breaks that affect the entire tooth. The most common causes of tooth fractures are accidental trauma, such as from a fall, or chewing on something hard. Tooth decay can also cause a fracture if the decay has reached the inner layers of the tooth. Symptoms of a fractured tooth include pain, sensitivity to hot and cold foods, and visible cracks or chips. Treatment depends on the extent of the damage, but may include a dental crown, root canal therapy, or a tooth extraction.


Active member
Fractured tooth is a condition where a crack or break has occurred in the tooth. It can be caused by trauma, chewing hard foods, grinding teeth, or even decay. The severity of the fracture can range from minor to severe, depending on the extent of the break. Treatment for a fractured tooth can vary, from simply smoothing the surface to a root canal or even extraction. To prevent fractures, it is important to practice good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing and flossing, and avoiding hard foods and grinding your teeth.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Fractured teeth are a common dental problem and can be caused by various factors, such as trauma, biting on hard objects, or grinding your teeth. A fractured tooth can range from a small chip to a more serious crack that can extend below the gum line. Symptoms can include pain when chewing, sensitivity to hot and cold, and in some cases, an abscess. Treatment for this condition depends on the location and extent of the fracture, and can range from tooth restoration to root canal therapy or extraction. It is important to visit your dentist as soon as possible to determine the best course of action.


Active member
A fractured tooth is a broken tooth that has been damaged due to trauma, decay, or grinding. It can manifest as a crack, chip, fracture line, or break in the enamel or dentin layers of the tooth. Treatment for a fractured tooth usually includes a dental filling or crown to repair the damage and prevent further decay or infection.