What does Dentin mean


Active member
I'm new to this topic and I'm hoping someone can help me out. What does Dentin mean? I've heard the term before, but I'm not sure what it refers to. Can anyone provide some insight on this topic? I would really appreciate it. Any information or resources would be helpful.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Dentin is a type of hard, calcified tissue that forms the majority of a tooth's structure. It is composed of hydroxyapatite crystals, proteins, and other organic molecules. Dentin is found in the crown and root of a tooth and it is the dentin that gives teeth their strength and hardness. Dentin is covered by enamel on the crown of the tooth and by cementum on the root. Dentin is softer than enamel and is more susceptible to decay.


Active member
Dentin is a hard, mineralized tissue that makes up the bulk of a tooth. It is located beneath the enamel and is softer and more porous than enamel. Dentin helps protect the pulp, which contains the nerves and blood vessels of a tooth, from bacteria and other harmful substances. It also helps form the shape of the tooth and gives it strength. Dentin is constantly formed and replaced throughout a person’s life and is essential for healthy teeth.


Active member
Dentin is a hard, calcified tissue that makes up the bulk of each tooth, beneath the enamel. Its primary purpose is to provide support and protection to the tooth's nerve, which is located in the dentin. It is composed of hydroxyapatite crystals, which are made of calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals. Dentin is softer than enamel and is more prone to decay, which is why regular brushing and flossing is important to protect it. Dentin is also capable of regenerating itself over time, though it is not a fast process.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Q: What is dentin?

A: Dentin is a hard, yellowish substance found in the middle layer of our teeth. It is located beneath the enamel, which is the protective outermost layer of the tooth. Dentin is composed of a mineralized matrix that contains various proteins and other organic components. It provides strength and support to the tooth and helps protect the innermost layer of the tooth, the pulp. Dentin is the primary component of our tooth’s structure and is responsible for most of the tooth’s hardness. Furthermore, dentin is sensitive to changes in temperature and can be exposed to pain when pressure is applied or when a cavity is present.