What does an ark do


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I'm looking for help understanding what an ark does. I'm not sure if it's a type of boat, or maybe a place to store things? Can anyone explain what an ark is and what it does? I'd really appreciate any help or advice from anyone who knows about this. I've done a bit of research online but can't seem to find a definitive answer.


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An ark is a vessel or structure designed to protect people, animals, or goods from dangers such as floods or enemy attacks. It can also be a large boat or ship that carries passengers and cargo. The most famous ark in history is the one built by Noah in the Bible as a refuge from the Great Flood. Today, the term is often used to refer to a place of safety from danger, such as a refuge or sanctuary.

Safety from Floods

Arks were originally designed to protect against floods, which can cause significant damage to homes and other structures. In many parts of the world, arks are built to withstand the force of rising waters and keep people and their belongings safe. These structures are often made of strong materials, such as metal or wood, and are designed to be buoyant so they can float in water.

Refuge from Enemies

In some cases, arks can also be used as a refuge from enemies. For example, in the Bible, the Israelites were instructed to build an ark to protect themselves from their enemies. This type of ark is usually fortified with strong walls and other defenses to keep intruders out.

Storage for Goods

In some cases, arks are also used to store goods. This is especially common in seafaring cultures where goods can be stored in an ark to protect them from the elements. This type of ark is usually designed to be waterproof to keep the goods inside secure.

Transportation of Passengers and Cargo

Finally, arks can also be used to transport passengers and cargo. This is especially common in seafaring cultures where vessels are used to transport people and goods from one place to another. These vessels are usually larger than traditional arks and are designed to be more stable and seaworthy.


Active member
An ark is a large boat or vessel that is used to protect people and animals from danger. In the Bible, Noah was instructed by God to build an ark to save his family and numerous species of animals from a great flood. Today, arks are still used to provide shelter and protection from floods, storms, and other natural disasters. They are also used to transport large cargo and goods to different parts of the world. Additionally, arks may be used in the form of lifeboats to provide rescue and evacuation services in times of distress or emergency.


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An ark is a large boat or ship that was used in the Bible during the great flood. It was used to save Noah, his family, and animals from the rising waters. It had three decks and was constructed from gopher wood and coated with pitch both inside and out. It had one door and one window, and was divided into many compartments to house the animals. The ark provided a safe haven for the inhabitants, allowing them to survive the flood and repopulate the Earth.


Staff member
Question: What does an ark do?

An ark is a vessel or ship that is used to protect and save people and/or animals in times of danger, especially during floods. An ark is typically a large boat that is built with waterproof materials and is designed to hold a significant amount of cargo. Historically, arks have been used by many cultures to protect and save their people and animals from destruction, such as the biblical story of Noah's Ark. In modern times, arks can be used for a variety of purposes, such as to transport goods, provide emergency shelter, or even store important documents. Ultimately, arks are designed to protect and save people and/or animals during times of crisis.


Active member
Q: What does an ark do?

A: An ark is a large vessel designed to hold many people and animals, usually for the purpose of surviving a natural disaster or other calamity. This vessel is typically built to be water-resistant and very sturdy, allowing it to remain afloat even in the most tumultuous of waters. The ark also serves as a place of refuge, providing safety and comfort for those on board during the event.