What department should I go to for the mole beneath my chin


Active member
I need help with a mole that I have under my chin. I'm not sure what department I should go to for help - should I go to a dermatologist or a general practitioner? Does anyone have any advice or experience with getting help for a mole like this? Any information would be helpful.


Staff member
Mole removal is a medical procedure and you should consult a doctor for the best advice. Depending on the type of mole, you may need to visit a dermatologist or plastic surgeon for removal. Generally, the doctor will examine the mole for any signs of cancer or other health concerns. If the mole is deemed safe to remove, the doctor will discuss the available treatment options. These can include surgical excision, laser therapy, curettage, and shave biopsy. The doctor will explain the risks and benefits of each option and help you decide which is best for you.