Hyperdontia, also known as supernumerary teeth, is a condition in which a person has extra teeth beyond the normal number of teeth. It is an uncommon condition that is estimated to affect between 0.1% and 3.8% of the population. While it can occur in any part of the mouth, it is most common in the area behind the wisdom teeth.
It is believed that genetics plays a role in the development of hyperdontia, as it is more common in certain families. There is evidence to suggest that certain gene mutations can increase the risk of developing the condition. However, the exact genetic cause of the condition is not yet known.
Health Conditions
Hyperdontia can be a symptom of a number of underlying medical conditions. It is often seen in patients who have cleft palate, Down syndrome, and other genetic syndromes. It is also seen in patients who have been exposed to some types of medications, such as phenytoin.
In most cases, hyperdontia does not require treatment. However, if the extra teeth are causing discomfort or interfering with the function of the mouth, they may need to be removed. This can be done surgically or with medications.
Hyperdontia is a condition in which a person has extra teeth beyond the normal number of teeth. While the exact cause of the condition is not yet known, it is believed to have a genetic component and can be a symptom of certain medical conditions. Treatment may be necessary if the extra teeth are causing discomfort or interfering with the function of the mouth.