What causes bone necrosis


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Hey everyone,

I'm new here and I'm looking for some help. I recently came across the topic of bone necrosis and I'm trying to learn more about what causes it. Does anyone have any information they can share? Has anyone had any personal experience with the condition? I'd really appreciate any insight or advice that anyone can provide.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Bone necrosis is a medical condition in which the bones become damaged or weakened due to a lack of blood supply. This can lead to pain, deformity, and even fractures. The most common cause of bone necrosis is lack of oxygen to the bone. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including trauma, medical conditions, medications, and even smoking.


Trauma to the bone can cause necrosis by cutting off the blood supply to the area. This can happen when a bone is fractured or when a joint is dislocated. In some cases, the trauma may be so severe that the bone is unable to heal and the necrosis begins.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions can also lead to bone necrosis. These include conditions such as diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and autoimmune diseases. Certain medications can also increase the risk of bone necrosis.


Medications such as corticosteroids, chemotherapy drugs, and bisphosphonates can all increase the risk of bone necrosis. In some cases, the medications may cause the blood supply to be cut off to the bone, leading to necrosis.


Smoking can also increase the risk of bone necrosis, as it can reduce the amount of oxygen that is supplied to the bone. This can cause the bone to weaken and eventually lead to necrosis.


In order to prevent bone necrosis, it is important to take steps to protect the bones from trauma or injury. It is also important to manage medical conditions, take medications as prescribed, and avoid smoking.


Active member
Bone necrosis can be caused by a number of factors, including trauma, infection, and reduced blood supply. Trauma, such as a fracture, can damage the bone, leading to necrosis. Infection, such as from a bacteria or virus, can also cause necrosis. Lastly, reduced blood supply due to blocked arteries or veins can lead to necrosis, as the bone is not receiving the nutrients and oxygen it needs to survive. In some cases, a combination of these factors may be at work.


Active member
Bone necrosis is caused by a disruption in the blood supply to a bone, which can be caused by a number of factors. These include trauma, infection, tumors, and certain medications. Other causes can include metabolic disorders, radiation, or vascular diseases. Treatment for bone necrosis depends on the underlying cause and may include surgery, medications, physical therapy, or even stem-cell therapy. Other treatments may include cryotherapy, or the use of ultra-sound or electrical stimulation to help stimulate new blood vessels and bone growth.


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Bone necrosis, also known as avascular necrosis (AVN) or osteonecrosis, is a condition that occurs when there is interruption of the blood supply to the bone resulting in bone tissue death. This interruption in blood supply can be caused by a number of factors, including trauma, infection, drugs, radiation, metabolic disorders, and systemic diseases.

Trauma or physical injury such as a fracture or dislocation can lead to bone necrosis, as well as damage to the surrounding blood vessels, which can prevent proper blood supply to the bone. Infection, such as osteomyelitis, can also lead to bone necrosis, as bacteria can cause damage to the blood vessels supplying the bone. Additionally, certain medications, such as steroids, can lead to bone necrosis by reducing blood supply to the bones.

Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and other forms of radiation can also cause bone necrosis. Radiation can damage the blood vessels supplying the bone, leading to decreased blood supply and ultimately death of the bone tissue. Certain metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, can also lead to bone necrosis, as the body’s ability to produce energy is impaired and can result in decreased blood flow to the bone. Lastly, systemic diseases such as lupus, gout, and sickle cell anemia can also cause bone necrosis due to the body’s inability to adequately supply the bone with oxygen and nutrients.

In summary, bone necrosis can be caused by a number of factors including trauma, infection, drugs, radiation, metabolic disorders, and systemic diseases. It is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of the signs and symptoms associated with bone necrosis.


Staff member
Q: What are some common causes of bone necrosis?

A: Bone necrosis is caused by a decreased blood supply to the bone, which can be caused by a number of different factors. Common causes include trauma or injury, infection, metabolic diseases, autoimmune diseases, radiation therapy, and prolonged steroid use. Additionally, other causes such as poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, and smoking can contribute to decreased blood supply and bone necrosis. It is important to note that the exact causes of bone necrosis can vary from person to person and it is important to talk to your doctor if you are experiencing any signs or symptoms.


Active member
Q: What are the causes of bone necrosis?

A: Bone necrosis can be caused by a variety of factors, including trauma, infection, radiation, metabolic disorders, and underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, lupus, and Gaucher's disease. In addition, certain medications, such as corticosteroids and chemotherapy drugs, can increase one's risk of developing bone necrosis.