What are types of anti-social Behaviour


Active member
I'm looking for some help understanding the different types of anti-social behaviour. I'm hoping to learn more about how to recognise when someone is exhibiting anti-social behaviour, and how to respond. Can anyone on this forum offer any advice or tips on the subject? Any information on what I should look out for or what counts as anti-social behaviour would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Physical Anti-Social Behaviour

Physical anti-social behaviour involves any type of physical action that is intended to cause fear, alarm or distress to another person. This includes physical violence, threatening behaviour, public disorder, vandalism, harassment and intimidation.

Physical violence is any type of physical attack, such as hitting, kicking, or biting another person.

Threatening behaviour is any type of behaviour that is intended to make another person feel threatened, such as making verbal threats or displaying weapons.

Public disorder is any type of behaviour that disrupts the peace in a public place, including fighting, excessive noise, and vandalism.

Vandalism is any type of destruction of property, such as graffiti, defacing monuments, or damaging vehicles.

Harassment is any type of behaviour that is intended to make another person feel uncomfortable, scared, or threatened, such as stalking, name-calling, or following someone.

Intimidation is any type of behaviour that is intended to make another person feel scared or threatened, such as making threats or using physical force.

Verbal Anti-Social Behaviour

Verbal anti-social behaviour is any type of verbal or written communication that is intended to cause fear, alarm or distress to another person. This includes verbal abuse, insults, cyberbullying, trolling, and hate speech.

Verbal abuse is any type of verbal communication that is intended to insult, degrade, or humiliate another person.

Insults are any type of verbal communication that is intended to belittle or demean another person.

Cyberbullying is any type of verbal or written communication that is intended to harass, threaten, or embarrass another person through the use of electronic devices, such as computers, cell phones, or social media sites.

Trolling is any type of written communication that is intended to disrupt or provoke another person through the use of provocative language or inflammatory statements.

Hate speech is any type of verbal or written communication that is intended to promote violence or hatred towards a particular group of people.