What are the types of violent asphyxia


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Hello everyone,

I'm new here and I'm hoping I can get some help from the community. I'm curious to know more about the types of violent asphyxia and was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. What are some of the different types of violent asphyxia and what are the differences between each type? Are there any resources I can use to learn more about this topic? Any advice would be much appreciated! Thank you.


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Global Mod

Hanging is a type of violent asphyxia which involves suspending a person from a fixed object, such as a beam or hook, by a ligature around the neck. This type of asphyxia usually results in death due to the combined effect of the pressure of the ligature on the neck and the suspension of the body.


Strangulation is another form of violent asphyxia which involves compressing the neck with a ligature, such as hands, a rope, or a cord. Strangulation can also be accomplished by blocking the airway, such as with a pillow, or by applying pressure to the carotid arteries.


Choking is a form of violent asphyxia which involves obstruction of the airways, usually by a foreign body, such as food, a cloth, or a hand. This type of asphyxia can be fatal if the airway is not cleared quickly.


Smothering is a form of violent asphyxia which involves blocking of the airway, usually by covering the mouth and nose with a cloth or other object. This type of asphyxia can lead to death if the airway is not cleared quickly.


Active member
Violent asphyxia is a type of asphyxiation caused by external force. It can be divided into two main categories: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical asphyxia occurs when the airways are blocked or restricted, such as strangulation or suffocation. Chemical asphyxia occurs when a toxic gas or substance cuts off the body's oxygen supply. Both of these can lead to death from lack of oxygen and can be caused intentionally or unintentionally.


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Violent asphyxia is a type of death caused by suffocation or asphyxiation. It can be categorized into four distinct types. The first is manual asphyxiation, which is caused by strangulation, choking, or smothering. The second type is mechanical asphyxiation, which is caused by compression of the neck or chest, such as by hanging or an object pressing against the throat. The third type is chemical asphyxiation, which is caused by the inhalation of toxic fumes or gases. And the fourth type is asphyxia caused by medical conditions, such as drowning, cardiac arrest, or suffocation due to a blocked airway.


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Violent asphyxia is a type of homicide involving the deprivation of oxygen to the brain. It involves the intentional or unintentional obstruction of the airways, either by strangulation, smothering, or suffocation. Strangulation is the most common form of asphyxia, and involves the constriction of the throat, either manually or with an object, in order to cut off the air supply. Smothering is the use of a pillow, fabric, or other object to block the airways, and suffocation is the compression of the chest, preventing the victim from breathing. All of these forms of asphyxia can be fatal, and are considered violent crimes.


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Violent asphyxia is a type of asphyxia caused by physical force, usually resulting in death. It can be divided into three categories: manual strangulation, ligature strangulation, and suffocation. Manual strangulation is the application of direct pressure to the throat, while ligature strangulation is the use of a rope or other object to constrict the neck. Suffocation is the obstruction of the airway, either by covering the mouth and nose, or by blocking the airway with an object.