What are the types of antisocial behaviour


Active member
I'm looking for help understanding the different types of antisocial behaviour. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge on this? I'm particularly interested in learning about the different categories of antisocial behaviour and how they are defined.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Types of Antisocial Behavior

Antisocial behavior is any behavior that is harmful to others or society in general. It can include criminal activity, drug abuse, and violence, as well as more subtle forms of aggression such as bullying and manipulation. It is important to understand the different types of antisocial behavior and the causes behind them in order to properly address and prevent them.

Criminal Activity is any behavior that is illegal or against the law. This can include theft, vandalism, assault, and other types of violence. Criminal activity is often the result of poverty, mental illness, and substance abuse.

Drug Abuse is the use of illegal substances such as heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. It can have serious physical and mental health consequences, as well as lead to criminal activity.

Violence is any physical or psychological aggression towards another person. This can range from verbal threats to physical assault. It can be the result of a mental illness, substance abuse, or a combination of both.

Bullying is a form of psychological aggression, usually in the form of verbal harassment, threats, or humiliation. It can have serious emotional and physical consequences for the victim.

Manipulation is the use of trickery or deceit to gain power or control over another person. It can be used to coerce someone into doing something they don’t want to do, or to get what they want without having to resort to violence. It can also be used to exploit someone’s fears or insecurities.