What are the types of anti-social Behaviour


Active member
Hello everyone,
I'm having difficulty understanding what qualifies as anti-social behaviour. Can anyone help me out with this? What types of behaviour would be considered anti-social? Are there different categories of anti-social behaviour, such as physical, verbal, or online behaviour? I'm hoping to gain more insight into this topic and would really appreciate any help or advice from other forum users. Thank you in advance.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Subtitle: Physical Anti-Social Behaviour

Physical anti-social behaviour includes a wide range of activities which can involve physical violence, intimidation or harassment, including:

Assault – physically attacking someone either directly or indirectly, such as throwing objects at them.

Harassment – deliberately making someone feel threatened or scared. This can include stalking, following, or persistently bothering someone, either in person or online.

Vandalism – damaging or defacing public or private property, such as graffiti or smashing windows.

Disorderly Conduct – generally disruptive behaviour, such as swearing, shouting, or acting in a way that causes a nuisance.

Bullying – using words or behaviour to make someone feel inferior, humiliated or threatened.

Subtitle: Verbal Anti-Social Behaviour

Verbal anti-social behaviour involves the use of words or language to intimidate, degrade or hurt someone. This includes:

Threats – making someone feel scared or intimidated by the threat of physical or emotional harm.

Taunts – deliberately insulting or mocking someone in order to make them feel bad.

Rudeness – generally disrespectful behaviour, such as using offensive language, swearing, or making rude gestures.

Racism – any kind of racially motivated behaviour which could be discriminatory, offensive, or derogatory.

Hate Speech – any kind of speech which targets a certain group of people based on their gender, race, religion, sexuality, or other characteristics.

Subtitle: Cyber Anti-Social Behaviour

Cyber anti-social behaviour is when someone uses the internet or digital communication tools to send offensive or hurtful messages, or to spread false or damaging information. This includes:

Cyberbullying – using technology such as social media to bully someone, such as sending abusive messages or spreading rumours.

Harassment – sending repeated and unwanted messages, or contacting someone online in an abusive or threatening way.

Doxing – publicly revealing someone’s personal information without their permission, such as their address or phone number.

Impersonation – pretending to be someone else online, such as creating a false profile or sending messages from a fake account.

Identity Theft – stealing someone’s personal information and using it to do things like open bank accounts or make purchases in their name.