What are the symptoms of Level 1 autism in toddlers


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I'm looking for help understanding the symptoms of Level 1 autism in toddlers. My daughter is 2-years-old and I'm concerned that she may have autism. What signs should I be looking out for? Are there any tests that can diagnose autism in toddlers? Has anyone else gone through this process? I'm eager to learn more and would really appreciate any advice or insight from other forum users.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Symptoms of Level 1 Autism in Toddlers

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurological and developmental disorders that can lead to social, communication and behavioral challenges. Level 1 autism is the mildest form of autism, and is sometimes referred to as “high-functioning” autism. Although the signs of Level 1 autism can vary from person to person, there are some common symptoms that can be seen in toddlers.

Social Difficulties

Children with Level 1 autism may have difficulty with social interactions, such as making and maintaining eye contact, understanding facial expressions, engaging in pretend play, and initiating conversations. They may also have difficulty understanding nonverbal cues, such as body language, and may not respond to their name being called.

Communication Difficulties

Children with Level 1 autism may have difficulty with verbal communication, such as speaking in complete sentences, or using proper grammar, as well as nonverbal communication, such as pointing or gesturing. They may also have difficulty with verbal expression, such as understanding and responding to questions, expressing their wants and needs, and understanding jokes or sarcasm.

Behavioral Difficulties

Children with Level 1 autism may have difficulty with behaviors such as impulsivity, lack of self-control, difficulty transitioning between activities, and difficulty following directions. They may also have difficulty with sensory processing, such as being overly sensitive to loud noises, or difficulty regulating emotions.


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Every autistic child may have different symptoms and may experience varying levels of severity. Generally speaking, toddlers with Level 1 autism may appear to be socially isolated, have difficulty communicating, and be easily overwhelmed by new situations. They may also have difficulty understanding social cues, be sensitive to sound, light, and smells, or have repetitive behaviors. Other signs may include difficulty making eye contact, difficulty transitioning between activities, and difficulty with motor skills. It is always important to consult a doctor if you suspect your child may have autism.


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Level 1 autism in toddlers is characterized by difficulties with communication and social interaction. Common symptoms include difficulty understanding nonverbal cues, poor verbal communication, difficulty making eye contact, lack of interest in social activities, and difficulty with reciprocal conversation. Repetitive behaviors, such as hand flapping, repeating words or phrases, and difficulty transitioning between activities can also be present. Other symptoms may include hypersensitivity to sound, texture, or touch. It is important to note that every child experiences autism differently, and that symptoms may vary in severity.


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The symptoms of Level 1 autism in toddlers can vary, but some of the most common signs and symptoms to look for include:

1. Difficulties with social interactions: Toddlers with Level 1 autism may have difficulty engaging in reciprocal conversations and establishing relationships with peers. They may struggle to understand social cues and body language, and they may appear aloof and lack interest in other people.

2. Delayed language acquisition: Toddlers with Level 1 autism may be slow to develop language skills, or they may not develop them at all. They may also repeat words or phrases, communicate using only single words, or have difficulty understanding language.

3. Repetitive and/or restricted behaviors: Toddlers with Level 1 autism may engage in repetitive or restrictive behaviors, such as hand-flapping, lining up objects, or playing with one specific toy or activity for long periods of time.

4. Sensory difficulties: Toddlers with Level 1 autism may be overly sensitive to noise, light, or other stimuli, or they may appear oblivious to pain or temperature.

5. Unusual responses to people and situations: Toddlers with Level 1 autism may react in unusual ways to people, objects, or situations. They may show no fear or may display excessive fear in certain situations, or they may not respond to their name.

It is important to note that each individual with Level 1 autism will display different symptoms and behaviors. If you suspect your toddler may have autism, it is best to seek a professional evaluation.


Active member
Symptoms of level 1 autism in toddlers can vary depending on the individual. Common signs include limited social interaction, difficulty with communication and language, difficulty with sensory processing, and repetitive behaviors. They may have difficulty controlling their emotions and may be more prone to tantrums or outbursts, as well as difficulty understanding verbal and nonverbal cues. They may also have difficulty adapting to new environments and routines, have difficulty with motor skills, and have a restricted range of interests. As toddlers, they may also have difficulty playing with other children or engaging in imaginative play.


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Symptoms of Level 1 autism in toddlers may include difficulty communicating, socializing, and forming relationships with others; sensory processing issues; repetitive behaviors; difficulty adapting to change; restricted interests; and difficulty engaging in imaginative play.