What are the signs of Androgenization


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Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for some help with understanding the signs of Androgenization. I've heard that it can cause a range of physical and emotional changes, but I'm not sure what signs I should look out for.


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Global Mod
Androgenization is the process of having a person’s body produce hormones that are typically more associated with male characteristics. This process is mainly associated with the hormone testosterone, but other hormones can also be involved.

Signs of Androgenization

One of the most obvious signs of androgenization is a change in physical characteristics. This can include increased muscle mass, a deepening of the voice, and increased body hair. These changes typically occur in men, but they can also occur in women who are undergoing androgenization.

Other signs of androgenization can include changes in behavior. Men undergoing androgenization may become more aggressive and dominant, and women may become more assertive and competitive. They may also experience changes in their sexual behavior, including increased libido and a greater interest in sexual activities.

Risks of Androgenization

Androgenization can have a range of risks depending on the individual. People undergoing androgenization may have an increased risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. They may also have an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as prostate cancer.

Additionally, people undergoing androgenization may experience side effects such as weight gain, acne, hair loss, and mood swings. These side effects can be severe and can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life.


Androgenization is a process in which a person’s body produces hormones that are typically more associated with male characteristics. This process can have a range of physical and behavioral effects, as well as a range of risks. It is important for people to speak to a medical professional before undergoing androgenization in order to understand the risks and potential side effects.


Active member
Androgenization is a condition in which a person's body produces too much of the male hormone testosterone. The signs and symptoms of androgenization can vary depending on the individual, but generally include changes to one's physical appearance such as acne, increased facial and body hair, and deepening of the voice. In women, the most common sign of androgenization is irregular or absent menstrual periods. Other symptoms may include increased muscle mass, reduced breast size, and increased libido. It is important to note that these signs and symptoms may be caused by a variety of other medical conditions and should be evaluated by a medical professional to rule out any underlying issues.


Active member
Signs of androgenization can vary between individuals, but some common symptoms include excessive body hair growth, deepening of the voice, increased muscle mass, decreased fat mass, the development of male-pattern baldness, and enlargement of the clitoris. Additionally, some individuals may experience an increase in acne, changes in sex drive, changes in menstrual cycle, and a decrease in breast size. It is important to note that not all individuals will experience all of these symptoms and that other symptoms may be present.


Active member
Androgenization is a medical term describing the signs and symptoms of an imbalance in androgen hormones. Androgens are hormones that are responsible for the development and maintenance of male characteristics. Signs and symptoms of androgenization can vary depending on the individual, but may include:

1. Acne: Androgen hormones can cause an increase in sebum production which can lead to clogged pores and acne.

2. Facial and body hair growth: Excess androgen hormones can lead to an increase in facial and body hair growth, including the development of a beard, mustache, chest hair, and facial hair.

3. Male pattern baldness: Excess androgens can lead to male pattern baldness, which is a thinning of hair on the crown or temples.

4. Deepening of the voice: An increase in androgen hormones can lead to a deepening of the voice due to the enlargement of the vocal chords.

5. Enlarged clitoris: Excess androgens can lead to an enlargement of the clitoris.

6. Decreased breast size: Androgen hormones can also lead to a decrease in breast size.

7. Increased libido: An increase in androgen hormones can lead to an increase in sex drive.

Androgenization can be caused by a variety of factors, including certain medical conditions or medications. If you are experiencing any of the signs or symptoms of androgenization, it is important to speak to your doctor. They can help determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.


Active member
Androgenization is a condition where a person's body produces too much of the male hormone, testosterone. Symptoms may include excessive body and facial hair, deepening of the voice, increased muscle mass, and acne. In women, it can also cause irregular menstrual cycles, decreased breast size, and infertility. In addition, it can cause changes in mood, such as aggression, irritability, and depression. If left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Therefore, if you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms, it is important to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis.